noob trying to get buds to grow


do i need to transfer the plants into different soil once they reach a certain state?

the Veg state is the beginning when there are no buds, right? and then do i need to do something special to get the buds to start to grow? or will they just grow on their own? about how old is the plant when i'll start seeing the buds/flowers?
I need to know this because i'll be growing indoors and i need to know when to switch the light bulbs to the red/orange glow ones.


Well-Known Member
Keep veging until you see your branches go alternate then wait another week for good measure (you want lots of nodes, those are the potintial bud sites) then flip to 12/12.



Keep veging until you see your branches go alternate then wait another week for good measure (you want lots of nodes, those are the potintial bud sites) then flip to 12/12.
Thats great thanks alot for the pics and advice. Does anyone know of any videos for noobs that show growing 101 from the first stage to the last?
and also. what kinda of lighting cycle should i be on when in veg?