Noob question


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about buying a 4ft T5 bulb they say it has 5000 lumens and a reflector.Do you guys think I would be able to grow a decent yielding plant with this?thanks--


Well-Known Member
It will grow a decent yielding plant through her veg stage.....and while she's vegging you could save some £££s or $$$$s and get a 150hps?
I wouldn't like to comment on flowering with a T5 though....


New Member
Yar great for veg not so good for flower. You'd have to buy a different spectrum bulb for flowering anyway so just buy a nice HPS for flowering.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
It depends on how big you let the plant get and also is this the 4 bulb or 8 bulb T5? I've had to downgrade from a 1000 watt to T5 and some cfl's and pulled 2.25 oz's off three plants.

My suggestion would be if your set on using the T5 is to invest in a bunch of CFL's to use with it during flower. OR for the money your gonna spend on a 4ft T5 just buy a 150 hps and then use some cfls for veg. might take abit longer too get a proper sized flowering plant using cfl but at least you'd be able to flower with a 150hps. Just my two cents.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
woops let me add if your gonna flower with the T5 then buy flowering bulbs as well but for all that money you should really just get a 150hps imo


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about buying a 4ft T5 bulb they say it has 5000 lumens and a reflector.Do you guys think I would be able to grow a decent yielding plant with this?thanks--
*do a quick search for t5 growers & grow threads, ive seen some decent results just using t5s all the way (veg/bloom)..
