Noob Question on Lighting. (What a great site. )

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Hello all! OK, I took about 4-5 seeds from a bag I bought, and decided to see what I could get for the fun of it. I have been reading a lot here, and what a great amount of info!! 3 of the seeds took hold and they are just booming. It has only been 2 weeks, and already repotted them once because they got so tall they were falling over. I can see a difference from morning to night, and then the next morning. Right now they are in my second 1/2 restroom, which does not get used and is very small and has a heat lamp in the ceiling. It really produces a lot of heat and very bright. I am working on getting one of my large closets setup as a little grow "room" as fast as I can. I lined the inside with foil, and bought a hanging clip lamp and a 75 watt CFL light, that claims to be comparable to sunlight (3 options at HD are soft white, bright white, and day light). They did not have more than one of the hanging clamp lamps, so going to another HD tomorrow and getting 2 more. I hope at least one of these 3 are females.

Couple questions...

1) Since I am just pissing around at this point, but hoping for the best, I cannot drop hundreds of dollars on the good lighting. If this goes well and I get hooked on raising my own, I am sure I can save up for some proper lighting. Until then, will three 75 watt CFL be enough for a small closet space? They are 840 lumens each.

2) Although it is rather exciting to wait and see what I have in these three plants, male or female, I would much rather know I am planting females. Has anyone had luck with the sites that promise feminized seeds, like the ones listed on here? Any real legal risk buying from them, or are they pretty safe? I see the one is in the Netherlands.

3) Lastly, and this is a real noob questions, how long does it take from start (planting seeds) to finish (harvesting). I am just wondering if any of these plants are female, when could I expect to enjoy the results (on average)?

Thanks!! I have been reading as much as I can on here, so I apologize if the answers are here somewhere.


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU to answer first question.. you'll need alot more light!.. 2nd question umm i dont know never purchased seeds and #3 take about lets see almost 5 months


Well-Known Member
Okay first you should have diffierent threads on each question, cause no offense what so ever. But damn this is long, actually I skipped the first half and jumped to the question.

1. Those aren't actual watts are they? I think that's what they replicate. right? Rhose are actually like 12w, and I would only use those for seedlings, if you want to make it to haveset with those you should try somewhere around 10 of them. I'm srry but don't expect too much out of those, and when you start to veg. they will prob. become lanky.

2. If you are in the US there is always a risk buying seeds. Most sites are legit, but it is illegal to buy from them, well really they don't care but if you get cought by customs all they will do is confiscate and send you a letter stating they did so. I have bought from AMS and nirvana. As far as fem. seeds there is still a possibillity you will get males and or hermaphrodites.

3. From germination, to harvest, and manicuring, expect around 4 mo. at least, 2 weeks seedling, 4-6 weeks veg. and 6 weeks flow. And after harvest you need to dry and cure that can take 2-4 weeks for good shit. Their are faster ways, but it would be pretty harsh smoke, with pretty low quality.

Good luck bro. Make sure to make a grow journal : ] O and don't give up, it's really fun. I'm new though so you should keep researching and asking questions. Take care man, and I hope this helped out a little.



Well-Known Member
Welcome and enjoy... I vegged with 2 X 26w CFL with a Y splitter.. total $15.00 start there and slowly build up... Learn to grow before throwing a whack of $$$'s at it.. Thats My opinion, some do jump with both feet.. your choice..Enjoy and luck..and welcome to a new addiction.. :)


Well-Known Member
Everyones a newb in a way... never stop learning........ The hunt for perfect weed is never ending..

Patch Buddey

Active Member
Okay first you should have diffierent threads on each question, cause no offense what so ever. But damn this is long, actually I skipped the first half and jumped to the question.

1. Those aren't actual watts are they? I think that's what they replicate. right? Rhose are actually like 12w, and I would only use those for seedlings, if you want to make it to haveset with those you should try somewhere around 10 of them. I'm srry but don't expect too much out of those, and when you start to veg. they will prob. become lanky.

OK, right. Sorry. The package states 75watt equivalent.
Energy Used - 19 watts
Light Output - 840 Lumens
Life Hours - 10,000


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow, it kinda takes some exp. for dank buds so just grow as many as you can for the exp. You have plenty of closet space or w/e. goodluck : ]