noob question about clones


Active Member
i live in NYC with VERY limited space. i have one plant growing at the moment. heres the question: say i want to take 1 clone from the plant i have now and start growing it seperately in another veg grow box. can i then harvest the original plant when ready, put the growing clone in the flowering box that the original was in, take a clone from the clone in the flowering box and start the process again? thanks!


Well-Known Member
once the plant is in complete flowering mode you dont want to take a clone from it..cause the clone will be in flowering mode as you can have a plant in flowering mode then put it backinto veg mode but it will take alot of time for it to switch back..

your best bet will be take a few clones from it..put them in veg mode..grow them for a while..them when you put in the clones in the flowering room..take a few more clones from these plant immediatley


Active Member
LOL.. let me try to get a clearer answer... this is like a pothead math question: i have 2 grow boxes that can only hold 1 plant each. both boxes have the lighting to be a veg or flowering box, whatever the situation. what would be best to keep a nice cycle of harvesting? or do i NEED to add more to the equation?