noob cal/mag mess up...time 2 restart?

they're in DWC, 2 gallon res...small tent...usually in the low to mid 80's with decent air started with a couple leaves, I did change with epsom salt but it looks like it just kept spreading...On a couple of the plants it looks as if there's more ugly gross leaves than healthy ones...I'm in 4th week of flower...the ugly leaves start from the bottom up...none of the actual budsites have the nasty leaves (yet)...I was thinkin maybe I should take them out and put them in pots with might shock them but it looks like they're F'd anyway...any advice is appreciated. (p.s. I checked/searched the forum but there's nothing for where i'm at in flower or with the I've got 2 ladies begging to be flowered but I've had them on hold since I already had these ones goin...I don't want to murder them and completely lose out...)

It might be, I usually change the res every 3-4 days with 5.8-6.2 ph and it usally doesn't raise very much since I change pretty often...the ladies had been used to 1/2 strength ionic nutes but recently...I went out of town and they went about 5 days without a change...then it all went to shit...I was thinkin nute I changed the res and weakened it to about 1/4 strength nutes...they looked a little shittier after 2 days...I hit the forum and a buddy/grow mentor of mine thought it was mag deficiency...tried to get them some mag...but I'm wondering if it was too late...They haven't shown any seems to be all of the smaller leaves toward the bottom of the plant...but they're def yellow with disgusting little brown spots...yellower then the pics and the leaves are curling downward...but there is also a couple leaves toward the top end of the plants that have the canoe type curling with browned tips...damn....


Active Member
having the exact same problem, 4 weeks into flowering. Just hoping they can hang on the last 4-6 weeks. Any info would make a world of difference. My bottom fan leaves look exactly the same as his pics


Active Member
I'm going to try a dose of epsom salts and my N based fert and see if it does anything. Sound like it worth a try or is it a bad idea?


Active Member
do you know what EC you are running? are you using tap or RO? I'm a beginner but had some leaves curling up and burning at the tips and I think it was nute burn
not sure, I use tap water that comes out with a 7.0 ph...after mixing in my ionic nutes it's between 5.8-6.2 for 1 gallon, and then the other gallon I ph down to 6.0...they look...ok...I'm going to put them in pots with coco tomorrow...


Active Member
I had the same problem,but mine was worse.I used all fox farm line up with ro water i didnt live where it was growing and from lack of experience i think it was from ph lockout ca and mag defiency.Twards the end my leaves got bad,but that was the response i got. Check my profile i got a pic of it
so should I try and stick it out and put them in coco? I think it might shock the F out of them but I think I'm going to anyway...I think it will be easier to avoid more ph probs with coco and not DWC for me....2 of them are purple passion that came from my buddy and he estimated I had at least 5 more weeks from prev generations....the 3rd is a bubbleberry which should be 3 or 3 1/2 weeks out...

Or should I just pull them and start flowering a skunk1 and other bubbleberry I have on deck?...


Active Member
DONT try to put them into a different medium or they'll for sure die. Just run plain water, pH 5.6 for a week, then start back on nutes.

Thats not a mag deficiency... Now with your epsom salt your overdoseing the mag and locking other shit out making it worse.

FLUSH FOR A WEEK THEN START BACK ON 1/4 strength nutes. and lower the pH to 5.6-5.8, 6.0 is to high.
Thanks, I don't want that...if they can be salvaged I'll run the plain water...what I was wondering though is are the buds going to be F'd? I might start the other plants that are in veg if so.
if they are far as quality or size potential that though is what was pushing me toward changing the medium so they'll be easier to finish...? I don't want to be fighting a losing battle...if they cannot recover and be the bomb :)


Active Member
A loosing battle will be changing mediums, I made this EXACT SAME mistake my first (and only) try at DWC, not that the system matters. I thought I had a mag problem just like you, gave them epsom salt and that really bombed it, THEN I attempted to take them out of DWC and put them into a Perelite/Hydroton mix in a sort of "hempy bucket" style thing to finish and they died completly.

Final quality might be hurt a little from this, but it will be something, if you try to transplant to COCO or whatever and they die whats the final yield gonna be then? Zero.

I've tried in the past from hydro to soil, from hydro to peat moss, from hydro to the perelite/hydroton mix, it all dies, they just cant handle the medium change.

Dude I would just go change the water out ASAP and give it time.