non thermal vs. thermal compost


Well-Known Member
So..idk if this will even warrant an answer or what..but iv been wondering about this...would you get anymore benefits from a pile that has just been mixed with soil and oh..let's just say about everything you could imagine..and add a pile of wigglers to it and let them and nature break down the pile...while turning of course....I'm not sure but wouldn't thermal compost kill the worms...I think..I'm not sure though..doesn't thermal help to destroy certain would think it would multiply w heat but just tell me I'm wrong if so...and I should also add iin the non thermal pile ..if this is a thing..let's just say we wouldn't add anything that NEEDS a thermal pile to be broken down....I'm sure the best way would to be to do a thermal THEN add the worms to get the best benefits..but I'm purely talking about comparing one to the other...I'm just being curious..any input would be greatly appreciated..thanks again