non medical marijuana states


Greetings all
I'm new to the forum but if I read the rules right I think this post will be OK. For those who live in these states we are screwed when it comes to getting lucky enough to just go to a clinic to pick up our medicine. So how could 1 go about getting med marijuana? Even tho I have a qualifying condition(hep c) I don't have a state license in a legal state nor do I live close to 1. So i'm pretty sure from what I've read that these clinics do not take out of state residents. What would someone in my position have to do to go about getting a card or just getting the bud.'
Thanks for any info


Well-Known Member
think i can guess your state, non medical here too in NY - and looking to stay that way for a while(stinking new governor)
non medical is just that, you stay an outlaw like a lot of us
any MJ you bring back into your non medical state is just an illegal drug


Well-Known Member
You can get a California Med card on-line, but it does no good since it would be valid in other states like MT or CO, but not yours. None would ship it to you so pointless.


Well-Known Member
How do you get a California card online?

I'll be in San Diego for a week for work and would love to try a dispensary or two for some medicine.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the site, but someone I trust said it can be done. Bet if you search you can find it. If you are in CA you can get one easy.


Well-Known Member
When u come to sd just grab a sd reader and look at the last 4 pages and u will find tons of places to get ur card and to buy ur medicine I do believe that u will have to give them and sd a dress tho so if u have any friends or family out here maybe u can use their address


Well-Known Member
Can you rent a box at one of the small office supply and shipping places? I've had to do that for similar projects before.


Well-Known Member
I do not think that u can use a po box for ur card application but I can't remember u do not know anyone in sd? Friends or family?