No till, raised beds, scrog- starting from seed

It's kind of hard to know exact ratios when the peat moss is kind of eye balled....I basically try to make equal piles of peat, aeration and compost on my tarp and mix it and then mix in the nutrients and rock dust etc.
I ended up just putting the seeds directly in moist jiffy seedling mix in a party cup on 24 hour light under a 2x4ft t5, I'm going to add on another 2 lights in a couple days. I heated the room with a small space heater hooked up to a wilhi temperature outlet and it works really well. Also installed a small fan on the ceiling to push the hot air down and it works great to keep a regular temperature
Humidity and temp both hovering around 70% in the tent, I gave the soil a light spray with aloe and coco water this morning and going to let them do their thing and try and not open the tent for 24 hours. I need one of those accurite temp rh monitors that I can check from my phone !