No instructions for grow tent


Hi guys well bought a bunch of equipment from a buddy and he is out of town partly why he sold me the equipment well as I have the twenty poles laying on the floor and never having put a grow tent together. And I have no help from anyone or from instructions cant find shit online. This is all I no it is 76x76x76x hydroponics grow tent 2 door with medal poles and medal connectors.. that was bought from yescom USA Inc. / If anyone could perhaps give me some instruction how this goes together I would be very grateful! Thanks :) :wall:


Active Member
well if you can`t sit down and work out how to build a simple tent then how on earth are you going to grow a great skunk ?

thats why your ma sent you to scout camp, so you could learn how to work things out and survive on your lonesome.
thats why your p.t. teacher knocked the crap out of you to toughen you up.
thats why your da kicked your head in when you did bad so you could straighten yourself out..
thats why your ma hit you with a tennis bat when you hit a girl.
thats why your teacher shouted at you when you couldn`t understand and you did not ask.
fuck me, and your still asking.
get off your fucking arse and build the fucking tent, even if it takes you all day.

once you have the tent up, then ask us how to get started on your skunk grow.


well if you can`t sit down and work out how to build a simple tent then how on earth are you going to grow a great skunk ?

thats why your ma sent you to scout camp, so you could learn how to work things out and survive on your lonesome.
thats why your p.t. teacher knocked the crap out of you to toughen you up.
thats why your da kicked your head in when you did bad so you could straighten yourself out..
thats why your ma hit you with a tennis bat when you hit a girl.
thats why your teacher shouted at you when you couldn`t understand and you did not ask.
fuck me, and your still asking.
get off your fucking arse and build the fucking tent, even if it takes you all day.

once you have the tent up, then ask us how to get started on your skunk grow.

First off jackass I don't need your help or anyone else to grow.... when there is no connectors and the pulls are unlabeled then becomes a bit hard to just throw it together. Second I unlike yourself am not a lazy fucking scumbag who has a real job and real life so am unable to spend a full day just to figure out how the pulls and shit goes together.


Active Member
well if you can`t sit down and work out how to build a simple tent then how on earth are you going to grow a great skunk ?

thats why your ma sent you to scout camp, so you could learn how to work things out and survive on your lonesome.
thats why your p.t. teacher knocked the crap out of you to toughen you up.
thats why your da kicked your head in when you did bad so you could straighten yourself out..
thats why your ma hit you with a tennis bat when you hit a girl.
thats why your teacher shouted at you when you couldn`t understand and you did not ask.
fuck me, and your still asking.
get off your fucking arse and build the fucking tent, even if it takes you all day.

once you have the tent up, then ask us how to get started on your skunk grow.
Ya that was kinda harsh, but honestly dude, theres nothing we have at our disposal that you dont have. Google for the directions.

If that doesn't yield results, then sit down and try your hardest to figure it out. If your missing pieces then go to home depot and find a substitute part.


Ya that was kinda harsh, but honestly dude, theres nothing we have at our disposal that you dont have. Google for the directions.

If that doesn't yield results, then sit down and try your hardest to figure it out. If your missing pieces then go to home depot and find a substitute part.

Ok thanks! :)


Active Member
First off jackass I don't need your help or anyone else to grow.... when there is no connectors and the pulls are unlabeled then becomes a bit hard to just throw it together. Second I unlike yourself am not a lazy fucking scumbag who has a real job and real life so am unable to spend a full day just to figure out how the pulls and shit goes together.
use a fucking saturday.

the rest of us do.

i am working on a burnt out public bar just now refurbishing it, and piecing that all back together, is a fucking headache.

dont call me a lazy fucking scumbag just because you cant work out how to build a simple fucking tent.


use a fucking saturday.

the rest of us do.

i am working on a burnt out public bar just now refurbishing it, and piecing that all back together, is a fucking headache.

dont call me a lazy fucking scumbag just because you cant work out how to build a simple fucking tent.
I called you a lazy fucking scumbag because you hide behind a computer trolling a forum to run your mouth like a little bitch....


Well-Known Member
Are all the poles the sames size....sort the poles out by size

you should have 8 plastic corners too.... where 3 poles go into

and 6-8 plastic hangers for top your frame first


stoned cockatoo

New Member
You said there is no connectors?
How you gonna fkn join it all together with no connectors??

It's a fkn tent man the poles will all be the same height work it out


they do not have plastic connectors has medal connectors on each pole you push down and slide pull together and no way that i try the poles it does not measure 76 inches which is what the tent is..


Well-Known Member
you dont have corners? better talk to your friend... every tent has corners

there should be 8 of metal or plastic



have fun with your tent ya fucking trollop.

hope it burns your fucking house to the ground and you with it.

mind you that will take a while.

Hahaha there should be a age limit for this website little kids should not be aloud on here obviously you are not mature enough to be on here if your going to wish my house with my family and children to be burned down.... over some words. later man....


Well-Known Member
i know what your talking about. i was given a really nice (and really expensive) baby bed once. i was so excited until i realized that i had a bunch of panels, parts and a big ass gallon ziplock bag full of springs, brackets, screws and other assorted pieces but no instructions! i wasn't even really sure what it was supposed to look like when it was finished, lmao. so, me and my wife sat down, organized everything that was the same into piles and got better ideas by sticking shit together and saying "well, that dont work". try this, dont think of it as " i have to put this tent together just like this". think of it as "im going to build a tent and these are the parts i have to do it with"! who cares what its "supposed" to look like, just build what works best for you. and if you have to take it all back apart and start over because the tent doesnt fit over the frame, oh well, you know what not to do next time.
but if you can google the manufacturer and download a pdf, well, that wouldn't suck either! lol, good luck!


Well-Known Member
76x76x76 should be easy to put together if u think about it... All the outter frame poles should be identical its a square.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
hydrofarm lightouse tents dont have specific connector pieces. there are just slip fittings build into the poles.

just separate the various frame pieces into each part, and figure it out


Well-Known Member
dude first you lay the tent out and start on the base with the excact same size small poles then do it for the top next double the poles for the sides then take the tent and bring it over the poles that you have set up and it will all come together just think 6x6x6. its a cube so lay all the poles out then make a box out of them.. make the base first..