No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

Former Vice President Dick Cheney reiterated his praise for waterboarding Al Qaeda terrorists , calling it a "well done" technique that gathered valuable information from unusually bad guys. Damn hope nobody does that to our troops for information, but how would he know anything about that seeing as he never served.

Hope they don't do that to our troops? Come out of the clouds, Foggy. Our troops only wish they would be waterboarded instead of the usual physical dismemberment that these assholes do. Beheading or waterboarding? Gosh, I really gotta think for a minute about that one, Bunky..Long enough...I'll take waterboarding. Call me a pussy, if you want. But then again, I , like Cheny, never served either.


water boarded for 8 years...

or beheading

ill take beheading for $500 alex


Well-Known Member
"The Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were written to protect Americans, not a crazy extremist that wants to kill us. Should we give these people the same rights Americans have? I don't think so. They will stop at nothing to see the death of the west and american culture, so giving them the rights we have would not be a good idea."

They were written to protect seperatists/revolutionaries/freedom fighters. AKA terrorists which made this country independant. You can call people whatever you want and think of them as different from you, but they are still all the same. Only the way you view them is any different. Terrorists flew the planes into the WTC, but terrorists aren't what you normally call people who are standing on their own land trying to repel an invader who's overstayed his welcome. People who would never have come to the US and do us any harm period. But illegally restrain and torture them and see what you turn them into.


New Member
It is strictly the US foriegn policy that creates terrorists. If I was a dirt eater in Afghanistan and the big bad Americans came to my country and started killing my family members, I'd certainly pick up an AK or grenade launcher and try and kill every fucking one of them. If you really think about it, I'm sure you would do the same, or else you would be a collaborator and your cousin would kill your ass.
In effect, you can blame 911 on american corporations, big oil and the ties the US has to the Saudi royals,. AKA as the Bush dynasty.


Well-Known Member
It is strictly the US foriegn policy that creates terrorists. If I was a dirt eater in Afghanistan and the big bad Americans came to my country and started killing my family members, I'd certainly pick up an AK or grenade launcher and try and kill every fucking one of them. If you really think about it, I'm sure you would do the same, or else you would be a collaborator and your cousin would kill your ass.
In effect, you can blame 911 on american corporations, big oil and the ties the US has to the Saudi royals,. AKA as the Bush dynasty.
Some just don't get it Medman some just don't get it

Illegal Smile

I'm only going to say this once. History is unfolding more rapidly than ever. The world is becoming interconnected. This is good, it works to eliminate poverty and create individual rights.

At this juncture, large parts of the world remain fiercely unconnected and it is precisely those areas where almost all the world's war and violence (and terrorism) take place. Gradually those areas, including the Islamic world, need to be brought along. Young muslims need opportunities other than the opportunity to strike out against symbols of western culture for there to be any peace.

The thugacracies of the middle east have a future they want to create. It's an ugly one for 90% of their people and a desperate one for women. The connected world has a future we want to create as well, and the jihadists exist to hold back that inevitable tide. Their old world is over and they are doomed. But they are going to go down fighting, and if they could they would push the whole world back to the dark ages.

It's not about america (for once) and it's sure not about Bush or Cheney or Obama. It's about two worlds in clash and the upheavals that happens in such clashes. We have to get the whole world into the 21st century, or at least the 20th. The same dynamic happened in the civil war. We had two cultures in conflict, one rapidly modernizing brimming with individual opportunity, and one lost in the feudal past with no innovation, stagnating. The stragglers have to be brought along, kicking and screaming at times.
It is strictly the US foriegn policy that creates terrorists. If I was a dirt eater in Afghanistan and the big bad Americans came to my country and started killing my family members, I'd certainly pick up an AK or grenade launcher and try and kill every fucking one of them. If you really think about it, I'm sure you would do the same, or else you would be a collaborator and your cousin would kill your ass.
In effect, you can blame 911 on american corporations, big oil and the ties the US has to the Saudi royals,. AKA as the Bush dynasty.
BULLSHIT!!! The terrorist was created in the madrasa and mosques spread throughout the Middle East. The teachings are a form of Wahabism, and with the rise in Islam came the fundamentalists. These people are still pissed about the crusades, and still carry a grudge. If you were at all cognizant of our true enemy you wouldn't spew this droll crap ona almost minute by minute basis. Shit, man, study you fucking history. Jihadist testicles think in the long term, and have hated the West long before Bush and Cheny were out of fucking diapers. You morons who want to blame America first for every bad ass that blows somebody up are just mentally bankrupt.
It pisses me off to hear this drivel about all bush's fault. Grow up already. Take off those pinko glasses and see the world for what it is. If you don't recognize that these pukes want a global caliphate, you just aren't paying attention. Look up global jihad. These fucks are right here in America plotting destruction for the own country. Homegrown jihad, bred in the jails, and fostered by the like of the great ass Louis Farrakan, are the cause of this threat to our freedom. This pathetic attempt to pin all this shit on the Republicans is straight out of Alice through the Looking Glass.

In effect you can blame 9/11 on Bin Laden and Al Qeada alone.

That's just the way it is. If you don't agree with me, you are probably a racist.


Active Member
BULLSHIT!!! The terrorist was created in the madrasa and mosques spread throughout the Middle East. The teachings are a form of Wahabism, and with the rise in Islam came the fundamentalists. These people are still pissed about the crusades, and still carry a grudge. If you were at all cognizant of our true enemy you wouldn't spew this droll crap ona almost minute by minute basis. Shit, man, study you fucking history. Jihadist testicles think in the long term, and have hated the West long before Bush and Cheny were out of fucking diapers. You morons who want to blame America first for every bad ass that blows somebody up are just mentally bankrupt.
It pisses me off to hear this drivel about all bush's fault. Grow up already. Take off those pinko glasses and see the world for what it is. If you don't recognize that these pukes want a global caliphate, you just aren't paying attention. Look up global jihad. These fucks are right here in America plotting destruction for the own country. Homegrown jihad, bred in the jails, and fostered by the like of the great ass Louis Farrakan, are the cause of this threat to our freedom. This pathetic attempt to pin all this shit on the Republicans is straight out of Alice through the Looking Glass.

In effect you can blame 9/11 on Bin Laden and Al Qeada alone.

That's just the way it is. If you don't agree with me, you are probably a racist.
I agree 100% that 9/11 can only be blamed on the morons who plotted it and carried it out but I don't get why you are so afraid of these people that you're willing to throw away the rulebook completely.
Thanks to the obama administration, these assholes will finally be prosecuted in federal court very soon. And the republican members of the senate judiciary committee got to grill holder on mirandizing terror detainees and why he ordered the justice department to stop going after those damn "medical" ) pot growers in california because they are poisoning our was pretty funny, actually. Watch it on c-span sometime.

Johnny, thanks for the kind words. i'm happy we can disagree and talk about this stuff without resorting to the usual flaming. The article is interesting, but it really only mentions one aspect of what cause the housing bubble. Making it easier for poor people to get housing is definitely something the dems love to do for political reasons, but it's only when you allow the kind of speculation on derivatives that was going on and this anything goes mentally in capital markets that you end up with the kind of perfect storm that cause the housing bubble. But I'm with you, the entire political and financial system caused the meltdown, not just the republicans or just george bush. The question now is how to fix it....


New Member
I'm very excited about this health care bill which has us all pay taxes for four years before any insurance is available to use.

Next time I go buy a car, I'm going to use the same exact methodology.

I'll make payments for four years on the new vehicle, without any guarantees of getting the car i'm paying for. It will however be guaranteed to have at least 4 wheels!!!

Government programs are always the best bet!!!

What was I thinking????

Yes, Med Man has proven over and over again that he is a super genius...:roll:

I'm not surprised you find him to be coherent however.... double :roll: