No Cal Mag


Well-Known Member
Haven’t used Calmag in years.
If you’re using salts buy one that has Ca and Mg in it already.
If you’re using soil, there are plenty of amendments.


Well-Known Member
In each 29ltr pot there is:
sulphate of potash 2tsp
seaweed meal 2tbsp
chicken manure 3tbsp
fish blood and bone 2tbsp
Bonemeal 2tbsp

about 3ltrs of perlite and 2ltrs of sharp sand.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I believe it can be done but
I don’t see how a repot a week before flipping can build a root base with that hot of soil ?


Well-Known Member
I don't add CalMag or Epsom to my normal feed.

Just Jacks 5/12/26 and Calcium nitrate. The blend contains more than enough Ca and Mg.