Nirvana Raspberry Cough


Well-Known Member
last night, before a couple were trained a bit


i dunno what i'm doing, i'm just trying to get growth in every direction


i don't know what to expect in flower





Well-Known Member
last night a couple got a few last ties before the closet gets switched to 12/12

so as of today these plants are set to flower


the lonely jock horror auto has a day or 2 left, then it can stop taking up room from the raspberries

last time i do an autoflower. they all ripened at different times



Well-Known Member
Great looking plants man. My Nirvana bubblicious are 6 days in. Excited to see how your raspberry cough turns.out. good luck!
thanks sfcc. hope your bubblelicious get big and fat

i was considering that strain as well when i bought raspberry cough


Well-Known Member
so I am going to fill in some blanks

some of this might be repeating, but for the most part I have left blank the details of these plants' growing environment

I currently have these under a 600w HPS and a 216w t5 in a 3"x6"x7" space

they are each in 6 gallons of Pro-Mix +mycorrizae (which are beneficial endomycorrhizal fungi), and added blood & bone meal

they are given mexican and indonesian bat guanos, along with some molasses, epsom salts, and are watered from a large aquarium

i ordered a refill of superthrive to start feeding during flower. i love that shit

these are 5 plants which have been trained down over a 37 day veg with garden twine

that's about it

remind me of shit I forgot which you want to know about


Well-Known Member
installed another fan to move some air over the top of the canopy


these are rolling along fairly smoothly.

good growing strain, no complaints

i have a feeling i'm going to have some space issues at some point if i don't tighten up the branch spacing a bit

but I won't find out until flowers start popping

i am hoping the mylar will make this a non-issue



Well-Known Member
started seeing flowers



tomorrow they will be moved around and trained inward a bit. gotta tighten the canopy to have room throughout flower

i have been feeding them with a very light dose of Indonesian bat guano, and an even smaller dose of Mexican

i also added super-thrive to the diet about 4 days ago

in the aquarium which i water my plants from, the angelfish which i have been growing have gotten large enough to eat most of the small crustaceans that were living in my tank

this has prevented the serious problem with hard elements like calcium being leached from the water and needing replacing with epsom salt

i increased the molasses slightly to help the bacteria really start digging into the bone meal in the soil


Ursus marijanus
Monkeybones, they're looking really good. What amazed me about the Cough is that mine stretched only about three inches, from 19 (start of 12/12) to 22 after eight weeks. cn


Well-Known Member
Monkeybones, they're looking really good. What amazed me about the Cough is that mine stretched only about three inches, from 19 (start of 12/12) to 22 after eight weeks. cn
wow, really? that's pretty incredible. my jock horror stretched to almost double their starting height

what were you using for lighting? how high up was the light? do you inject c02 or something? soil or hydro?

do you have a journal of them by chance?



Ursus marijanus
Y'know, Monkeybones, the journal in my sig had all about her and her companion, a nirvana White widow fem. But the data whoopsie of march 216th this year wiped out a lot of the good stuff: late flower and harvest, and some gonzo trimming tutorials. One of these days I'll put some make-up posts there. But not today, quoth the dreadful procrastinator.

My grow was in a 4x4 tent under a 600W HPS (an Ushio Opti Red, to be precise) in a Magnum XXXL hood cooled by a 6-inch MaxFan dialed "way back" using a variac. The light was adjusted to be 1 to 2 feet from canopy to bulb axis. The plants were in Happy Frog, which got exhausted of nutrients about the time I switched to 12/12. I used GH Flora nutes on their basic Drain-to-waste schedule, judiciously supplemented with Mg, N and P from my shelf of chemical oddities (cue mad scientist laugh). It's ALIVE ~ lol!
No CO2 ... I rent and used a tent, but when i have a house to call my own, i so wanna play with CO2 and return to growing full-on hydro.
Hope this helps. cn


Well-Known Member
all that training turned out to be a real pain in the ass

but i'll be tarred and feathered if that isn't more satisfying to look at than 5 big old lanky trees with no ties at all

flowers poppin' all over


am i evil for tying down girls and making them fat?

sorry, don't care. enjoy the glamour and skinny jeans while they last, girls
