Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower Feminized Grow Journal


Active Member
Thank ya(; been checking in on some cfl grows, and wow people ur sprouts are tall .. For indoor keep her short ;/ but hey ur plant lol! Not you dluck lol, speaking out of persom(; I like to make sure I'm 1" away from my baby. 2" max.. Cfls are meant to kept close on grows!(: but my next grow (4th) grow I'll be getting a 2x4x6 grow tent and a 400watt hps light kit. Plenty big enough for a 1 planter like myself!!


Active Member
Day 6! Transplanted her in a 1 gallon out today, one if the pics looks like she's burnt but she's not it's just the lighting, she is very healthy and growing fast(: this coming up weekend I will be ordering a virtual sun hydroponics grow tent 3x3x6.5 (:



Active Member
Day 7, she grew a lot last night (; healthy baby(: she growing up so fast ;( oh by the way I was re arranging things a couple days ago and if you look closely you can see one of the tips are a bit burnt, oh well she is fine (: recovered nicely ;P



Active Member
By te way! I am getting a 3x3x6.5 grow tent Friday well ordering it friday(; and I will be buying a 5 gallon smart pot for my baby(; mmm.. She going to love all that empty space she will get to grow all alone:D


Active Member
Day 8, here is a better pic of the burn I accidentally did to her. She is all healthy though!(: cfl is half an inch away from her, keeping her short and fat(:



Active Member
Day 17. Woah time is flying (;

She is healthy still, no nutrients, no pH testing. Haha basically acting as a first grow this one! But anyways pic is below!(: also the smell.. No carbon filter just to clarify. Now I can't smell it in my room, when I open the grow box I can't smell it but when my put my nose to her.. Ugh the smell is besutiful(: a plant slash skunk smell;) (marijuana smell) it's only day 17 so we will see how the smell goes'(;



Active Member
By the way I am giving her about half a cup of water every. 2 days. Been busy lately which is more than likely she is dropping ,, Ina up her watering to a cup now.