Nirvana NL Mogul CFL Bulb Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by. I just ordered a soil pH meter. I thought I could get by without it but I figure I should have one. Are you checking the pH of the water in your tank?


Active Member

Still no hairs popping out. They have stretched a bit on the 12/12 but still less than I thought they would. Pretty dense canopy but eveything is still looking good. 800PPM right now seems good but I may ramp it next swap to 1000.

Hopefully some more entertaining pics soon =)


Active Member
They are going fckn nutz so far on 12/12. I would've thinned them out more if I had known they'd go this crazy. Using my 65w for side lighting and the soil & party cup girls and added one 105w to the other side to hit more of that under growth. 250 + 65 + 105 = 420w total right now. :eyesmoke:

Still no hairs... I hate this wait.
But no bananas either yet :-P



Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about thinning them out more. Mine seemed to have been extra bushy from the start, but with the little LST, they definitely are getting even more out of control. And yours are waaaaay bushier than I thought they would go.


Active Member
It has begun... :clap: :clap: :clap:


I went ahead and ordered some Botanicare Sweet (raw). The molasses just seems too messy for my liking and stained the shiz outta my roots. I think the sweet will hold a better suspension in hydro and just be much cleaner to use overall. Once it arrives I'll do a full cleaning and redose everything to around 1000ppm. Sitting around 850 now and they seem like they want more.


Active Member

Couple more shots of the hairs pokin' out... Just cleaned my rez out and bumped them up to about 950ppms.


Active Member
Yo potent, nice grow man
I like the fact that you go about doing this in a non ghetto sort of way.
Its honestly a fresh sight to see
will be tuning in periodically =]


Active Member
man whatta great feeling to see those white hairs of confirmation!!!
Your telling me... I know they're femd and all but without having a ph meter half of veg I was sweatin' seeing some balls form. Infact I'm still sweating a little cause I just got home and my PH swung .5 down to 5.37 (thankfully still safe range). Forgot after the full rez changes it always jumps around a bit more than I like. Problem is, I'm out of fckn adjuster!

So sent the Mrs to the hydro store to grab me some PH up and down. Lucky I have a nice one within about 15 mins of my house. =) I just ran out of the small bottle I had from some of my aquariums that I've been using and kind of questioned using it anyway since it wasn't packaged for hydro. Everyone said it should be fine and the bottle even said it was plant safe. Regardless I'll feel better having proper adjusters on hand.

I'll get some more updated pics in the morning of everyone (lights are out now til 4am)


Active Member
Ok guys I need advice here... These plants have really grown way more than I anticipated for being under 40 days old. It's a damn jungle!

Should I strip some under growth or let it ride?!
I mean I can add more lighting still and just surround the bushes with bulbs. I don't mind popcorn buds and wouldn't mind extra trim for bubblehash... I guess I just answered my own question. I'm just going to let them go crazy.

Thanks RIU!

I'll be adding a couple stands to hold reflectors tomorrow probably so I waste a bit less light.

They've gone a bit crazier than anticipated.

Soil girl is still coming along =)

Party cup bagseed trial. Couldn't resist that bandwagon! Thx ST!

Not quite bud porn... yet.