Next to be best... 3rd attempt


Well-Known Member
Well, it is time to start another grow. This time I am doing things a little different. I am not going to be planting outside, I am not going to be giving these plants away for gifts.

I last left everyone with the knowledge that I was going to be taking the plants from my 2nd attempt to my Mother-in-law for her to grow and gave them to her for Mother's day. Well, they got eaten by either a ground hog, rabbit, or deer. These past few months I have been helping her grow some from her bag seed. They were doing well, till someone stole them.

This time I am going to be doing it all from the comfort of my own home. I am unemployed atm, and hopefully will soon be drawing an unemployment check. My wife is finally getting back to work after being off for alomst a year. I figure I would spend the next few months growing my own. Simular setup as before, 'cept one of my 6500k CFL got busted in the break down of my last setup. I replaced with 2 soft white CFL's.

I have also moved the grow to a closet to help block off some of the light, and keep my landlord from finding them. (they have recently been on a war path with people not paying rent.) I don't have a camera ATM, but I am going to be getting one soon so I can post some pics up.

As of today it is DAY 3 of Germ, and now have 10 popping up. I saw on here in one forum where a guy grew some in plastic cups, so I guess that is what I am going to be doing. I am also thinking about going with a 12/12 seed to smoke light cycle.

Nutes I am using is Mirical Grow liquid ( I know I can't spell, and am too lazy to use spell check, plus everyone knows what I am talking about.), and Bone meal when I start seeing little hairs. I will keep everyone posted as to the progress and hope to have some pics up soon.


unless your reallly pressed for space i wouldnt recommend using plastic cups for the entire life of the plant, if thats what you meant. It might work, but the more room your roots have, the better.
good luck and happy tokin.


Well-Known Member
Today I transplanted several to more cups. I also changed the light cycle to 12/12. AS for the full life of the plant... I haven't decided just yet... I am running in the red on money and don't know if I can get more soil... and it is already starting to frost outside so that is a no go. Besides, this run is simply for educational purposes... I have never gotten past 2 weeks in flowering due to not flowering, being eaten by pests, and being stolen. I am doing this to get well rounded, the are just bag seed, so not loosing much. After I feel confident enough to do the entire cycle, I will be getting some kill and going a head. I am also going to attemp cloning again. (Never had any luck with that.)

I wish that I could find someone near me that was ready to harvest and dry so I could go and help them out and learn from someone that is experienced.... but I don't think that is going to happen. Oh, Well... I will be watching them over the next week and will update then.


Well-Known Member
I noticed today that I had a total of 21 to pop, the late starters I am going to be weeding out if they are strong growers. I am going to be using nutes next week as they are already getting their second set of leaves. I was going to get a camera this weekend but spent my money on a 1/4. I will be getting a camera real soon. I also added a few more lights. now I have 3 6500k 26w CFL, 4 26w Softwhite CFL.


Well-Known Member
They all looked streched to me. Did you have your lights farther away to start? Your lights need to be an inch to three inches away at most.

yeah... but they will thicken up and be ok... the light is about 3-4 inches from teh tops, and will stay that way.


Well-Known Member
You ask for opinions then you state that youre set in your ways. Good luck with those streched seedlings youve got. :mrgreen:
Not that I am set in my ways... that is just what I was told... keep the CFL's 3-4 inches from the tops. I do however welcome any other advice as I don't have much money to spend on the grow... I don't have a microscope yet, or a therm. In fact the closet is a temporary fix. I am planing to build a box. I am going to be scouting local construction sites for scrap pieces of lumber and what not.


Well-Known Member
Also if you don't want to comment positively about my grow, then you don't have to be reading this stuff... if you do or are curious about it just subscribe as I will try to keep everyone updated at lease once a week.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Your "temporary" box looks similar to mine. I used 1 sheet of plywood to build a cabinet, and even had lowes cut the pieces to the size i wanted ( kinda sad as im a carpenter, but i was lazy and didnt feel like busting out the saws ), and it was only $7. 1 sheet was good for a 30" x 18" x 63" ( L x W x H ). don't take lumber from a jobsite, what you think might be scrap, could very likely be a template or needed piece. besides its easier to build a box from new wood and its cleaner than wood found on the jobsite. many woods are treated and can contain tons of bacteria, mold and fungi.


Well-Known Member
I will keep that in mind. I have an idea for my lights... I want to put it on a pole that I can roll, that way it raises and I won't have to keep retying the rope.


Active Member
Man you do need to get them closer they are way to stretched or atleast bury more and you need to get 6500k in there as are feeding more on the 2700k that may be one reason you have stretching then at the same time you have a 12/12 going alreasy as that will stretch them should try 24/7 for atleast a week or to get some good veg going looks good other than that would like to see the way they grow in them cups as that is not the easiest grow and get some white in that box to paint as you are on a budget good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is my plan for the next grow. I plan on having more lights, a bigger box, and painted flat white inside. I am also saving up to buy a 400w HPS.


Active Member
as for them that you have now then take atleast half the advice i gave you as im a diehard cfl growe and you say hps and your in a closet man you better invest in some ventilation your startin to talk about some money now as you said you were on a budget

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
small link chains and a hook work much better and are easier than tieing a string off to raise and lower your lights. for a 400w hps youre gonna need at least a 240cfm inline blower to be efficient in a cabinet.... remember that ventilation is to cool the air, not so much the material inside the cabinet. you can put a fan over a hot coal and cool the air coming off the coal but the coal is still gonna be hot to the touch and around it. in my opinion youre better off using cfls in a cabinet than hps. the radiant heat from the hood itself is gonna keep a good size cabinet around 85 degrees, so you'll most likely need a cool air intake to accomodate.