Newtime extractor HELP!


Well-Known Member
I've spent years reading up on thc extracts and only recently gathered enough info to do a run.

I wanted to do thermos bottle pull, as it seemed less dangerous than open blasting, besides with freezing the buds you would have a chance to seal some of the water solubles in ice. Also you could pull on fresh wet buds, preserving the terpenes as well as possible.

First try revealed almost no oil atall... Soaked for two hours in cooler surrounden in ice. Trouble i think was that i packed the buds in thermos AFTER freezing so a layer of frost formed on them but still, remakable NO results...

Second try i did, i froze the buds well sealed inside the thermos. Took it out of the freezer and asap filled it with butane. I swirled it a few times (as i did first try) during the two hour thirty soak time.
This time i had a slight yellow tint in the butane and when evaporated, had very thin layer of oil with bubbles at the sides in my pyrex dish. I thought it seemed like very little from 3/4 ounce top quality bud... Or is that normal?

I did NOT grind the buds but broke them up in little nuggets. Again because i don't want to break the cell walls countaining water solubles.

Anyone with experience on making the best shatter/absloute got some advice on what i could perhaps be doing better?


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell without having further processed it, theres so little its hard to gather. I am doing two more runs as we speak, hoping for the best... But i expected the butane to have a more yellow tint than it did.

The pyrex dish is barely covered, although there IS a thin layer over the whole bottom... It a regular size oven pyrex dish


Well-Known Member
Right, this run gave around same results. I am not satisfied with the amount i am pulling... After two and a half hour i pour it out and the buds are still crunchy frozen like they should be. I am considering longer soak time.
The buds that have been soaking will still leave sticky smelly oil on my fingers when i squeeze them :-/ that tells me i am far from getting enough from the material :-/

I do NOT want to do open blasting so i guess i have to wait to produce my oils till i can afford a closed loop system :-/

Unless u guys know what i am doing wrong... I do my best to avoid condense frost on the buds perhaps that isnt enough?


Well-Known Member
Another update: this i what i enden up with. 3.8 grames of slightly decarboxulated but allright for a first try, pristine absolute. It's semi shatter, it still to sticky to handle without low temperatures.

I am happy with the end result of my first try although not as perfect as i wanted that would be alot to expect for a first try :) i got more yeld than it first looked like but still i know theres alot left still in the buds, a microscope reveals forests of ripe trichomes on the leftover buds. They are now going in the shaker/ice wash along with my trimmings ;)

Hope for some good advice to do better next time!



Well-Known Member
You said you ran 3/4 of an oz, 20% yields are avg for a bud run...
Id say you did fine especially after winterizing.

No real advice from me, looks like it will be pretty good.
Maybe use scissors to break the bud apart a bit better after freezing


Well-Known Member
You said you ran 3/4 of an oz, 20% yields are avg for a bud run...
Id say you did fine especially after winterizing.

No real advice from me, looks like it will be pretty good.
Maybe use scissors to break the bud apart a bit better after freezing
Just that info is valuable enough for me so you say this is what should be expected? weird i can't pull more than that the trichomes seem intact in a microscope :-/

Well it IS enough for me to want do do it again next harvest ;) partly because i know those leftover trochomes WILL come of in my ice wash along with the rest o the trim! :-D