Newest noob out there


Well-Known Member
I am starting a outdoor grow op this summer... shooting for 24 females, im disposing of the males as soon as my wisdom spots them.
I had a foot plant that was a month and a half, and lots of failures that died. I had a small nursury for three months inside that noone found until recently. Basically I would start the sprouts indoors on a window sil, this method worked but its obsolete ha.

I tryed starting 10 sprouts in dixie cups outside in some scotts potting soil, 2 days i come back and insects have eaten every one expect 1, I have a serious pest problem and need advice to stop the pests, could any of you wise fellas give some nutrient advice and tricks of the trade? Over summer I have alot of time on my hands, and have a good spot with no cops but recently my plants have been dieing... My foot plant died yesterday but it had all sorts of problems.


Well-Known Member
Is this an outdoor strain?
I personaly use rose mary oil for my outdoor plants, works great.


Well-Known Member
look for a product called skoot.dont know much bout it, my buddy recomends it


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed, but I only germinate seeds with the tiger stripe markings.
its unknown if it is outdoor strain but most likely... Rosemary oil for anti-pest? Ill try it... but I do not have a big budget... I usually go around and steal supplies from open garages with this dumbass redneck kid.

Give me some good nutrients that you think would be in a lovely household garage, I have had nutrient problems and growth stunts when my plant started to get big... it was a month and a half old and it withered and came back to life, than started burning on the leaves and eventually died.

Can any of you give me advice on when I should start feeding nutrients to the plant? Should wait a month or two than start?


New Member
yeah, we dont really help people who steal. Most of us are upstanding citizens, do not commit any crime other than growing, which we know only to be a crime in the minds of dead racist law makers and George "The Bumbling Fucknugget" Bush

anywhoooo... Better off leaving this forum, as we arent into helping thieves.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the above. :finger: why dont you grab your red neck buddy and just go steal the plants. (i`m not promoting that) what a stand up sitizen, ha, lol.


Well-Known Member
Well whatever y'all can do whatever, I am not stealing from potheads or cultivators, just law abiding citizins unlike all of us.

Im so suprised y'all actually care about the principle of stealing.
One of you said you don't violate the law except for growing. Thats like saying Officer I didn't kill him... I just stabbed him a little bit.


New Member
what??? you ignorant piece of shit! you are comparing violent acts to growing pot? :finger:
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New Member
who gives a shit about the "eyes of the law". any person with half a brain knows what the difference between crimes and vices are... here, in the words of a genius:
"Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another... Unlike crimes, they imply no malice towards others and no interference with their persons or property"
- Lysander Spooner 1875

growing pot harms no other "innocent" person... but when you steal it does... holy fuck the kids are fucked in the head now... how dumb do you have to be to not see that? just because smoking and growing pot is illegal doesnt mean you HAVE to be a criminal

fucking low-life :finger:


Well-Known Member
If you grow or smoke marijuana in the United States you are a criminal... I do not care about your justification, obviously you haven't embraced the fact that your violating the law every puff.

You call me ignorant? Your in denile.


New Member
you cant read can you? let me break it down for you. you say i am a criminal,, so lets start with that word,, criminal.. lets break it down.... crime is the root word... and im sure i defined what a crime is. just in case you forgot i will again.
Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another
growing or smoking pot does NOT harm the person or property of another... therefor i am not the criminal you are. stealing (like you do) DOES harm the person or property of another and therefore is a crime.

again :finger:


Well-Known Member
let me guess your little greenhouse windowsill was in your mommy's house, right? Did she send you to time out when she found them or give you a spanking? You're just a prick who's in high school! there is a difference between a victimless crime and stealing, a big difference. Maybe when you grow up you'll understand!!


Well-Known Member
stealing from people is bad, if you wanna steal something get a job with a large company who sticks it in you regularly and steal small things to try to stick it back in them a bit...this is the only kind of thievery i can condone.


P.S. i forgot.. steal pots in late position if you can too...