Newbie with a problem:(


Active Member
Deficiency of some sort. Could be nute lockout. Soil pH needs to be 6.5 [6.3-6.8]. Or it could be nute burn (too much nutrient food). Do you have a soil pH meter? Do you pH your water before giving it to your plant?
i do ph the water. i do not have soil tester. i thought it might be phataum(spellin) def...needs to be fixed 1st week in flower


Well-Known Member
yeah you're doing fine. Just supplement grow nutes for the next 3 weeks, also some calmag if you have in hand, it's great for preventing latter defs.


Active Member
your doing alright, doesnt look too bad. do you have a PPM meter? they prob just need to be fed, i keep my ppm 800-1000, but a lot of people bump up to 1500+, just keep it simple, its a learning process, youll get it!
i dont have one of thos used calmag started today. thanks guys youve been alot of help ill post more pics in about a week will see if they get better


Well-Known Member
its hungry and thirsty. Your plant is healthy and vigorous so you can water and feed more than you are, dont let the pot dry so much and it will greenup.


Well-Known Member
What are you watering with RO? or tap sometimes your tap already contains enough CalMag no need to supplement that, the leaves that dont get enough lite tend to whiter and die off yellowing like that is could also be indication of N def. What type of soil are you using? What nutes if any are you using? What type of water are you using?


Active Member
Don't worry about some of the bottom leaves yellowing and falling off. Plants are very industrious. As a plant matures, especially under artificial lighting, it will naturally shed leaves which it deems too inefficient for photosynthesis. Light intensity to the the lower regions of the plant quickly degrades as the light source is raised to accommodate new canopy growth. By dropping the bottom leaves, the plant can then distribute that saved energy to more vital areas.