Newbie sexing!


Active Member
Okay so 3/4 of my plants have little pods with hairs. If they have hairs does that defiantly mean they are female?

1 of the plants is very clearly female with 2 nice long hairs coming out of the pods and it's got 2 areas covered in them and a few dotted around.

The other 2 which are showing hairs only have single hairs coming out of the pods. Does that mean they are female?

The 4th plant doesn't seem to be showing anything.

I don't have a good enough camera to show pictures of them, they're so small.


Well-Known Member
Pistils usually mean it's female, but all the speak of "Pods" could mean hermie. Pistils shoot out from calyxes which are little nubs where the branch meets the stalk, there should be four of these per node.


Active Member
Hmm, well I'm calling them a pod because that's what I thought it looked like.

Hang on I'll try and get a picture on my phone and see what you think :)


Well-Known Member
leave the plant to flower for longer to tell sex, to start with it will be confusing but in a week that plant gona be covered in either hairs or balls and it will be totally obvious. Dont go guessing preflowers or the first flowers to show until you know what your looking for and dont ever chop a plant till your sure, one two weeks makes no difference either way but will mean you know for sure, you cant not help but think its femal or male when your staring at thousonds of white hairs and calyxs or loads of balls.

Preflowers are the first few flowers that form, often deformed or mishappen they can be hard to judge sex by a lot of times, white hairs means female to me for certain no matter what the rest looks like. Hermies are like myths, you don't get many but everyone talks about them, i have yet to see a true hermie on here in all my time so are not very common. You probably dont have a hermie so dont worry. Peace


Active Member
IMAG0160 (Custom).jpg

Above is the plant I am pretty sure about, It's got loads of little 'pods' like that with 23 hairs coming out (what should I call them if not pods?)

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Above is one of the plants which only has single hairs coming out of the 'pods' I noticed that these are mostly on one side.

So King you think that I should just wait a little longer? From what you've said 3 of them are female :-o I was hoping to kill at least one though as to be honest I don't have enough room to grow them all at this size, the tent is for 4 small not 4 1m plants :P

I wish I had my old macro camera, that was amazing for snapping buds so I'm sure it would of been great for this!


Well-Known Member
First pic is 100percent female, second pic just looks blury but those white hairs are definatly female and the little ball underneath the white hair is called the calyx, it is a false leaf rolled up in which the seed may eventually grow in. The most potent part of the bud as trichromes grow both on the upper and lower surfaces making it the highest percentage of trics to green plant material.

You know what constitutes a female now rest assured in the knowledge you know what to look for. Do not chop that one plant till all are fully flowering in a week or two, then choose the best three and kill the weakest, some flower heavier than others so would be wise to take the strongest three and kill the weakest. Wait it out a week or two longer if you have the room. Peace