newbie question concerning watering


got two autoflowering feminized NL sprouts each in a jiffy pellet under a 42w cfl.maybe i should say i had 2 appears to have died.the other seems to be doing ok.ive had read countless times that its very easy to overwater young sprouts so i've been cautious not to do this but i think that might have been what killed the one sprout.can someone tell me how wet i should be keeping these jiffy's?also,at what point do i consider them germinated and begin the vegging,metal halide phase?thanks!


Active Member
I let the top of mine completely dry out so its crusty. And not sure about your lighting. I used two 42w cfls to pro mine until it was about 12"-15" high and then relocated it outside once it was nice enough.


New Member
Well, I have never used jiffy's so I cannot really advise on that particular issue. I will say that seedlings do not require any light at all until they sprout. All my seedlings get planted in fresh medium and moistened just about 1 shot glass full of ph'd water. I don't water again for at least a day and a half. IMHO this makes the tap root grow out in search of moisture, while not completely drying it out and killing the seedling. Anyway, that is just my method if you want to try something different on your next run. The best suggestion I can offer is to use the search option put jiffy pot in and see what comes up. Best of luck!