Newbie Learning All He Can


Active Member
Hi guys, I've been reading this site for a while now and figured today was as good a time as any to introduce myself.

Besides the obvious stuff such as :joint: making me :mrgreen:, I really enjoy learning from all the knowledgeable people here.

For paranoia's sake, I'll leave all the personal info out.

Although I do think about that a lot. I know that the gov't can't legally spy on me, but posting something incriminating on this site is a scary thought. I guess my fear is that the gov't likes to make examples out of people and even if they don't have legal grounds to do something, if it will scare others into not doing it, they are all for it.

Anyway, this site is a great learning resource, and I'm really grateful I found it!


Well-Known Member
Leaving the personal info out is great. Don't ever tell anyone anything. Welcome to RIU and thank you for not posting a barrage of questions for all of us. It pays to do your own reading :)


Active Member
welcome to RIU fella its a great place to learn from peoples experiences just reading loads of post is the best way to learn cuz someone else has already asked the question your thinking of asking lol are you planning to grow yourself? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I highly reccomend not putting personal info funny enough I had a conversation with an riu member they hooked up with someone from riu and dea ended up at their door coincidence I think not personally idk about my pic or info that is up since the cops in my town got a tour of my grow room last weekend they really aren't worried as long as you stay within your limits they are out for big time growers so just watch yourself and you shouldn't have worries


Well-Known Member
I should probably mention the cops were there on my request domestic issue bf just tried to get me locked up for my grow which was pointless once they seen the license and confirmed I was under the limit