Newbie here


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So my first little girl is getting so big so fast! almost double the size she was when i posted that picture a few days ago and is sprouting her third and fourth leaves. I also have another seed that i just put in soil last night, we'll see how she does.

and after this first grow is over and done with (hopefully ill have some juicy nugs to blow down) i ordered two seeds for my next grow.

1- fast bud from sweet seeds
2- northern lights x skunk #1 from Ceres seeds


Active Member
Day 9, coming along nice id say. the newer leaves are a really nice lime green.
P.S. the soil isnt as dry as it looks, i just gave it a little bit of water before the picture, but only the very top of the soil is as dry as it looks (from the lights im assuming)

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Growing at this pace, if i want to only harvest 5-7 grams how long would you guys recommend vegging for? after the first week of 18/6 i started 24/0 light cycle and it seems to be loving it.


Active Member
Give my grow some love!!

I also have a second bagseed crop started, just sprouted out of the dirt yesterday, and i popped off its seed helmet today and it opened up and stood up right away!


Active Member
woooooo woke up to see leaves 5, 6, 7, and 8 coming in. actually starting to look like maryjane leaves! noone gives my grow love :(


Looking good so far. I wouldn't change the light times anymore though until you want to 12/12. I usually keep the lights 24/0 for the first couple of days the go to 18/6. Changing the schedule to often can be stressful to the plant. What kind of soil are you using?


Active Member
good luck.
thank you

Looking good so far. I wouldn't change the light times anymore though until you want to 12/12. I usually keep the lights 24/0 for the first couple of days the go to 18/6. Changing the schedule to often can be stressful to the plant. What kind of soil are you using?
I don't plan on changing the light cycle anymore until flowering. I need to step into my flame suit for this one though, i am usuing MG potting soil, with about 10% peat moss. I wont be using MG with my new seeds, but this was just some bagseed, and it seems to like the soil for now..


Active Member
okay, if i only veg for 2 more days it will be a total two weeks of vegging. the crop is about 4-5 inches tall, and maybe 6 or 7 inches across. pretty nice bush i'd say. you think if i start flowering in 2 days at the two week mark, the plant should double-triple in size which would be a decent personal yield of at least 5 grams right? and how important is it to have TOTAL darkness for those 12 hours during flowering. i have a sheet covering my box, which light can obviously travel through. should i board it up for the flowering process to eliminate ALL light? or can i get by using this sheet? PLEASE HELP! ive been asking questions and only getting one or two answers. im not a dick newbie, just looking for advice from the novices! help me guys! pleaseee!


Active Member
Make sure absolutely NO light makes it to the plant during flowering. Let me repeat..... NONE!!

Not sure how much you will yield with going into flowering at 2 weeks. Mine will be 3 weeks on Tuesday but I still plan to grow him a while longerto make sure I get a decent size harvest without LST or anything.


Active Member
Make sure absolutely NO light makes it to the plant during flowering. Let me repeat..... NONE!!

Not sure how much you will yield with going into flowering at 2 weeks. Mine will be 3 weeks on Tuesday but I still plan to grow him a while longerto make sure I get a decent size harvest without LST or anything.
yeah, im kinda impatient and want to see buds, plus my grow space is only 2 feet tall so from the top of the soil i really only have like 18 inches.. just wanna see what i can yield out of this small one, switch up soil and nutes, and then start my big boy grow (northern lights x skunk1) (fast buds from sweet seeds)!!!!

but what does light getting in during the dark period do? stops crystal production? just wondering...


Active Member
During the dark period the plants build up the flowering hormone. This hormone has to reach a critical point every night for it to actually induce and continue the flowering process. Light not only stops the plant from producing this, it also sort of breaks it down. If it happens often enough you could also end up with bananas everywhere, and i promise you wont want that. Watched a buddies entire harvest get turned into butter/bubble because it was just soo full of seeds it was basically not smoke-able.


Active Member
Good to know, I wondered the same thing myself. I didn't know exactly why, I just knew that it was unwanted.