Newbie has questions for all you AK47 aficionados and experts...


Hello to you all...

I am a first time grower and I just got some AK47 seeds. I have a few questions for all you AK aficionados and experts so here we go...

-Should I plant my seeds in 1 gallon buckets and transplant the ladies to 2 or 3 gallon buckets halfway through the process? Does AK need that much room?
-I have heard that AK is a thirsty girl, is it easy to over water or over feed with nutes?
-What lighting schedule do they like? Vegetating 24 at first or 18/6?
-Does AK experience pests or diseases?
-What is the average yield per plant?
-Anything in particular that I should know about AK?

Any other suggestions or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks! You guys are awesome! :lol: