Newbie first grow ..


hi guys only the 2 plants ..... had spidermites, broke main steam halfway down middle , Repot'd .... :o( erm couple more things i'm just wounder'd how she's View attachment 964283doing ive got her in the second week of flowering atm any info would be great i'm not using ne lights just the sun lol View attachment 964282 please comment .... xxxx


erm just a cap full of babybio every couple days ! do i need to use nethink else and do u think she's going abit slow for a second weeker ! ill post pic's of the smaller one witch ive only had in 12updates 021.jpg/12 for 2 days she did have white thigs coming out b4 tho !! pic's ov small one xxxx thanks for the input so far guys xxupdates 022.jpg


Well i use canna nutes... It depends how deep you want the rabbit whole to go - can be expensive.... to be fair they are growing at the end of the day. Might get myself some Baby Bio!!!


bad pi'c of the small one sorry about that ill try and get some closer one's tomorro ... thizz13 thnx 4 the rep xx