Newb Post #444164165456465645


New Member
ok, so ive gotten this far off of this website so heres my first post. You guys have been my instructors so please use this a quiz im turning in..(:
took clones (5) from a female (unknown strain), put em in the cloner, saw good sized roots, put em in soil on may 7th and lost 1 (i have no idea), and thats where im at now as far as quanity and time.
for equipment and location i have a 600w hps light currently running 18/6 on my second week in fox farm ocean soil, they're in 5 gallon pots and get watered around a half gallon each, every other day with a ph of 6.4-7.0, i started off watering with grow big, and today i started adding big bloom to it. they're in my closet which seems to be a good size given the size the plants will be. Im bringing in an oscillating fan tonight and so far the humidity has been between 45-60.
My girls look healthy with no signs of stress at all so i take it im doing good?
i continue this routine until week 4 when i ditch big bloom and add open sesame?
when do i change the light cycle?
is there anything else as far as liquids and what not that i should be doing?
is misting the plants necessary?
thanks guys, this website has helped me out so much.


Well-Known Member
way too much watering going on imo. i woulda started out in 1g pots or solo cups for first few weeks but thats me. you should not need to add any nutes to your 5g pots for atleast 30-40 days ocean forest has enough already. and when you get to week 4 open sesame is suppose to be used with grow big and tiger bloom and big bloom. its a multipart system. i wouldnt stop giving them there main nutrient either tiger bloom or grow big the other you just add to your mix.

you dont have to mist your plants. some people like to foliar feed epsom salts or some other ferts but thats up to you its not required and if you do decide to do it remember the bottom of the leaf absorbs more stuff.

i think big bloom goes in every feeding you do if your feeding you never ditch it. you will alternate using grow big sometimes during flowering along with tiger bloom.


New Member
I figured i was over watering due to the amount of runoff but didnt think about the nutrient conflict with the soil..its too late for the beginning of your reply but looks like a great method for the next one. any input as far the light cycle?
and if the soil is good for nutes for 30-45 days, then why am i doing sesame/grow big/tiger/big bloom at week 4? not contradicting what you said..just asking


Well-Known Member
yeah i was just going off what your saying you wanted to do at week 4. i start with 1/2 strength nutes around the 3rd week of using that soil but i could go longer. if the plant doesnt respond with twisting leaves or burnt tips you should be ok.

you can change the light cycle whenever you want. just remember your plants can double or triple in height after you change your lights so figure out how big you want your plant to be and kinda go by that.

as for watering water the pot and then lift it up and feel how heavy it is, then let it dry completly out and lift it. thats how you figure out if you need to water the easy way.