Newb bulb question


Active Member
Im sure this has been asked a million times but how long should I use my bulb until its time to get a new one. I have a 400w hps and when I first had it it gave off almost a yellow tint but now it seems to give off a more natural lighting tint


New Member
The correct term is lamp..... not bulb. I've been using the same HPS for 3 years.... same MH for a year, but it doesn't get as much play as the sodium.


Well-Known Member
The correct term is lamp..... not bulb. I've been using the same HPS for 3 years.... same MH for a year, but it doesn't get as much play as the sodium.
General FAQs

What is the difference between a “lamp” and a “bulb”?

These terms are often interchangeable but “lamp” is really the generic term since this covers all sorts of lighting technology

user freindly my ass


Well-Known Member
Aw... someone went and got himself all offended.
not offended at all it's just that you felt that you needed to yell

and just because you been useing the same bulbfor 3 years does not make it right... over time the output of a bulb fades dramatically and is worthless..

im supprized it hasnt broken ar started chaning colors on you.
must not use it much

sucks for you.. don't you wonder how much youve lost to not having a fresh bulb


New Member
digital ballasts fire at a higher temp. so i doubt that... if anything its just luck, you would probably be able to see the differance with a new one
How can you say it's luck when every manufacturer selling digital ballast touts longer lamp-life as a reason to invest in the product?

Longer bulb life
Lumen output loss over time, with the correct lamp, is dramatically less than with magnetic ballasts.


Well-Known Member
How can you say it's luck when every manufacturer selling digital ballast touts longer lamp-life as a reason to invest in the product?
maybe im mistaken than i thought i read an artical about a month ago how they draw more amps when firing the bulb and it causes more where on the bulb.. overall it runs cleaner but when it first comes on is what kills it but maybe i read it wrong or it was spacific to a certain digi if i ever find the artical again i will reread it and see


New Member
maybe im mistaken than i thought i read an artical about a month ago how they draw more amps when firing the bulb and it causes more where on the bulb.. overall it runs cleaner but when it first comes on is what kills it but maybe i read it wrong or it was spacific to a certain digi if i ever find the artical again i will reread it and see
Everything I've ever read boasts of the digital ballast's ability to soft-start a lamp while still being able to push it to max brilliance within a minute or so.

*** shrugs ***

Digital ballasts provide far greater energy savings and light output than you would get from a magnetic ballast. While the older magnetic ballasts took a long time to start the grow bulb, digital ballasts ensure a quick start up for your grow lights, and they run cooler than the magnetic units. Unlike magnetic ballasts, digital ballasts will quickly detect if there is a problem with a grow bulb or a faulty wire in the grow lighting system and turn the unit off, making for a safer operating system. To increase the life of the grow lamp, a digital ballast uses a soft start model to ignite the grow bulb, rather than flowing a large amount of power to the grow lamp to start it, and then reducing the current to the correct running level. When magnetic ballasts get older, they often become noisy, which is not true of silent-running digital ballasts. When using magnetic ballasts, over time your grow light will give off less light, but with a digital ballast your grow light produces more lumens because the electrical current is sent in a highly controlled digital manner, leveling the flow, and the more consistent energy supply helps the grow bulb run more efficiently, with a side effect of increasing the grow bulb's life.