New York City Growers

Where are all the NYC growers at. I just joined RIU and i love it and find tons of info. I been growing for 2 years and selling for 10 years. I trying to find NYC growers who are in this shadowy underground world. I sure every NY grower is very secretive due to our rediculous laws and thirsty police department. I trying to find and trade clones with other growers in the area


Well-Known Member
good luck finding someone to trade clones with if I lived in NY I wouldn't hook up with you some of them city cops can act like hustlers pretty good how does anyone know your not a cop?
LOL Iknew that someone would say that, i not a cop, I a hustler and electrician, I work in queens and live in brooklyn, I understand why we growers gotta be so cautions out here. Niggas be snitchin nosey neighbors among other thing will get u knocked real quick. I would to know a handful of growers who are like me just wanna grow some bud and make a few dollars.


Well-Known Member
Officer, could you find out how my auto break in report is coming I need to submit it to the insurance company and I cant get anyone on the phone over there.


Well-Known Member
oh shit!! dunkin donuts he must be a cop he loves his donuts probally dunks them in his coffee. sure you don't want me to meet you at the station with the clones and a box of donuts and some coffee I know how hard it is for you porkers to get off your asses
We can meet in dunkin donuts LOL


Well-Known Member
I love NY !!! Wish I lived there, I wouldnt need a damned car if I lived in the Big Apple. I'd just need $8,000 a month for rent