New world order


Well-Known Member
There is legitimate proof.. thats what im telling you.
I'm sure you can understand why I don't believe one cent of it just like I understand why you believe in it. It's easy to get caught up into that stuff. There's no proof but there's some convincing people who like to put together certain events to make it look "fishy".

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
didnt go to war for oil. went to war for rights to oil

and the business contracts to rebuild the country as well as puppet government

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Well Sadam was a terrific actor up until the very end. Or was gaining right for the oil just a bonus?
oh thats right oil prices went down . .. . . .i forgot, we definitely went for oil, i seen all the petrol stocked up at the place with the fence, you know what i mean so much oil we have now

good call, VP Dick Cheney definitely didnt know any of the contractors that were paid government hazardous pay to rebuild parts of iraq we cared about


New Member
I think the only reasons why oil prices went down was for 4th of July and Obama's subliminal way to keep his presidency. Although, Newt Gringrich did say he would make gas prices at 2$ if he became president, which is kind of a strange thing to say at the time. Anything is possible and I never understood why they always kept going up and down, up and down if their is a constant flow and the 30 something states that have oil rigs in them, that part never made sense to me. I still have to believe that gas prices will slowly began to creep down the more and more we pull troops out and vehicles/tanks that requires the oil.


New Member
And as just when I started thinking "man this guy repeats himself too much" you come with this, awesome lol.