New World Order, h1n1, economy collapse

There is about 1 person in 25 that does, the rest are going "what are those nut jobs going on about"

It's ok tho the ones of us that know can't be shook even in death we will hold strong in our convictions and the rest can burn for theirs.
Tried to message you and- It ain't working. Check your email.
Im not into anything that's a lie, religion is just to comfort plp that need it (or that's how I see it), if there were a god, it's no better than the plp in our gov and i wouldnt worship such a dick licker.
:bigjoint:Blunt O' regs
bongsmilie Bowl O' mids
:eyesmoke: Zig O' Purps
:sleep: Nappy time


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Blunt O' regs
bongsmilie Bowl O' mids
:eyesmoke: Zig O' Purps
:sleep: Nappy time
I've since revised my views.
I don't mind that you brought that up, I'm very guilty for bashing. I'm prob beyond saving, I've sinned plenty but even tho I've always tried to be a good person and not hurt anyone unless self defense, I would never cheat on my wife as I made a vow to her b4 we were married. Even tho I talked against god I have helped at al local church on and off all my life (i grew up in the church so i helped as they needed)

I strayed, maybe too far, but it's never to late to change your tune, the price is paid regardless.
I'll answer for my transgressions.


Well-Known Member
Anyone remember swine flu in the 70's? If not lest have a refresh course
