New UK Grower!


Active Member
Ok i switched to the 600w HPS today so when do you think i will notice the difference in growth rates?

Its fookin hot so im also gonna need more fans which wont be a problem. for the time being the window is open and so is the door to the grow room...


Active Member
Holy shit, the difference in heat is massive! the two smaller seedlings had wilted when i opened the room this morning. light raised even further, doors open, window open and watering lots more often!!!


Well-Known Member
it gets really hot under hps finalfaze. make sure you have a fan blowing air around the plants and one drawing the hot air from around the lamp if poss. you should see the difference in a day or two. Also if you mist your plants dont do it till the light is off and cooled down or you will get a face full of glass.


Active Member
Yeah ive realised to massive temp increase!! added a more powerful fan and its around 25C now which is ok.

the one thing im wondering is watering an nutes and how often. mixing nutes is fine just how often should i water and should it have nutes in it everytime? i just dont wanna over water or burn them...

oh and thank for the bulb/mist tip - that would be pretty fuckin nasty!


Well-Known Member
i normaly feed mine every oter watering. and water every other day if neeed. yu should have a chart with your nutes.
what nutes ae you using.


Active Member
im deffinatly going to get a 3-400watt bulb for my next grow, 600w is just to much. Im using ionic nutes. i started using them after the first couple of weeks but noticed my plants start to burn so had to stop. ive not really used them since but the plants seem to be doing great.

the main thing is i already know my next grow is going to be 100% better than this one just because ive learnt so much.

oh and by the way, this weekend im turning the lights down to 12/12. ill have to try and get a picture up for you all to see!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site mate. I would stick with the 600 mate. You just gonna have to invest a bit of cash in a cool tube and extractor fan. That will bring your temps right down, and in turn you will be able to have your light closer to your plants. I grow from start to finish with a 600 with good results. Geo