New to nft


Well-Known Member
i really need some help.
this is my first time using nft.
the problem im having is my ph level.
i know i need to keep it around 5.5 but when i ad my ph down there is only a small gap for filling the tank with water.
how do i give the water a good stir up so the ph down mixes with all the water in the tank and not just the water around the area im adding it?
ive tried using a spatchula but can only reach about a third of the way in side the tank.
also do i turn off the pump when adding nuts and ph down to the tank and then give it a stir or leave it running and let the pump dilute it as its running?



Rebel From The North
You need to add a pump to your res to just stirr water and put it on a switch. And add a inline on/off switch to cut flow
To your nft system, all costs are like 30 bucks total to set this up super simple


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply.
ive got an old pump from an old wilma system so i will put that in the tank and see how i get on.


Well-Known Member
i really need some help.
this is my first time using nft.
the problem im having is my ph level.
i know i need to keep it around 5.5 but when i ad my ph down there is only a small gap for filling the tank with water.
how do i give the water a good stir up so the ph down mixes with all the water in the tank and not just the water around the area im adding it?
ive tried using a spatchula but can only reach about a third of the way in side the tank.
also do i turn off the pump when adding nuts and ph down to the tank and then give it a stir or leave it running and let the pump dilute it as its running?


seems like you are over-complicating something that is very simple ... just add the ph down the pump will mix up the solution
how big is your res ? are you adding more than 5ml each time ?
trying to keep the ph at a constant 5.5 is totally unnecessary imo, and can cause more harm than good
anywhere from 5.5-6.5 will work well, keeping it at 5.5 will result having to constantly check the ph and add acid to the solution
using a hydro food that provides trace elements in chealted from helps



Well-Known Member
only adding about 1ml at a time.
ive been letting it rise to about 6 then bring it back down to 5.5.
i only check the e.c and ph every 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
you can relax that alot if you want , i don't take any ph readings but i do add 3-5ml or phosphric acid every 2 weeks
i check the EC 2-3 times per week/ every otherday

this is my NFT grow

The amount you need to correct the ph does also depend on the foods you are using and your water supply
my water supply is very consistent its hard water at a ph of 7.2 and a cf of 2
the food i use is on the acidic side and brings the ph down to 6.2 and provides its maco/trace elements in chealted form
everything works fine without any ph adjustments because of these factors
