new to growing-- i wanna try something crazy...


Active Member
hey. this is my 1st post so sorry for any ignorance... ive been looking around the site for quite sometime..this will be my first grow. im doing a stealth grow inside a old old tool cabinet thing. im germinating my seeds using a method i found works really well. im putting the seeds in cotton balls that are soaked in a closed plastic container. being a person that likes to experiment i want to try something i havent seen b4. i wanna grow one single plant in a medium of 90% cotton balls and 10% soil. i was wondering wether or not anyone has tried this b4..and if so how did it work...any comments or suggestions will be very appreciated...thanks ahead of timekiss-ass


Active Member
sweet, sweet marijane has no buisness growing in cotton balls, it will simply fall over and diie:(


Active Member
cuz i germinate in cotton and was just thinking it would be something to im just using bagseed.... im a bit paranoid about ordering online

why?? dirt is cheap. cheaper than cotton. mj didn't learn to grow in cotton. it learned to grow in dirt.


Active Member
they can also germinate in water, but they can't just grow there.

if it has already sprouted a bit, put it in dirt asap! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey i'm not going to doubt you too quick. I imagine cotton balls would have similar water/nute retention as coco. fill up a pot, water it, and check the drainage/how many days it takes to dry. roots might go to town in between the fibers.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
hey. this is my 1st post so sorry for any ignorance... ive been looking around the site for quite sometime..this will be my first grow. im doing a stealth grow inside a old old tool cabinet thing. im germinating my seeds using a method i found works really well. im putting the seeds in cotton balls that are soaked in a closed plastic container. being a person that likes to experiment i want to try something i havent seen b4. i wanna grow one single plant in a medium of 90% cotton balls and 10% soil. i was wondering wether or not anyone has tried this b4..and if so how did it work...any comments or suggestions will be very appreciated...thanks ahead of timekiss-ass
Love the idea. Its just bagseed, give it a shot!
+Rep fer being innovative!


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's a good idea.... It made me laugh.

Cotton compacts and is very fibrous. It would work against the root system becoming large and healthy.


Well-Known Member
I dont see why it couldnt work.... airstones under the cotton mass, a pump, res., somethin to support it...why not.... i thought about trying something similar to this except useing crushed styrofoam. It would be a DWC, but the styrofoam would help to hold the roots apart allowing them to grow bigger..........

....or what if you tryed growing it in a co2 gas chamber.. i can get co2 tanks filled.... what if i gave it large doses of concentrated co2 during daylight hours