new to cooking


Active Member
well first off here goes the stupid question how fucked up does eating food with thc butter cooked in it get you i would jus like to hear feedback cause im getting 1200$ and i may buy some mid to cook with.... high grade is rare round these parts i can get it anyday but its too expensive to jus cook with will and ounce of mids be good cause i assume when ppl say add a quarter their talkin dank shit
I ate a large (fist sized) brownie that was made with an ounce of northern lights and an ounce of something else that was super dank and then went and saw star trek when that first came out.

I have absolutely no idea what happens in that movie. I was actually kinda starting to lose my grip on reality for around 4 hours. after the crazy trippy part was done i was still really really really high for 26 (thats a long fucking time) hours.

now that was the craziest experience with edibles ive ever had but even my mild edible encounters have got me a lot higher than just smoking ever has.

I know people that use mids for this and its worked just fine for them.

when you try edibles the first time, try smoking with it too (after the edibles set in all the way). I think the edibles actually amplify the effects of smoking so have fun with that!


Well-Known Member
best off to buy some killer and smoke it..
it'll taste way better (unless the weed is schwag)..
unless you dont smoke then make brownies.. (dont forget the caramel chips)
The first time I tried brownies I ate 5 consecutive bars. After a few hours I could barely feel my toes and arms. I asked my friend to pinch me just so I can confirm tha I'm okay. When I didn't feel anything I almost freaked out but I was feeling so numb that I didn't have enough strenght to actually scream. I haven't tried it again since :P