New proposed tax on MEDICAL CANNABIS... want to pay 25% surtax anyone?


Active Member

Bottom line 25% tax on the total, plus any current collected sales taxes and what not.

One point that made me laugh was quote "Democratic Reps. Ross Hunter of Medina and Reuven Carlyle of Seattle introduced a bill Thursday that would tax marijuana sales from dispensaries 25 percent. They say it's important to have similar tax rates to keep prices consistent and not drive nonmedical users to the medical dispensaries." Ok so what the hell are compassionate use licenses for?

Yet more B.S. from the capitol.


Well-Known Member
They sure don't realize/care that health insurance doesn't assist in acquiring this medicine. Dispensaries are already at street prices, it'll be cheaper to go back to my old guy than to buy from the dispensaries if it's even 10% higher. Only reason I go to the dispensary is because they have a good variety of hash, but the rest isn't anything special.


Active Member
yea theres also talks of the whole medical industry being put under WSLCB control with the I-502 implementation... but in reality didnt everyone see this coming, no way in hell the state is gonna go into the weed game and let this organized widely unregulated medical industry run competition right next to it.. there gonna put em all under one umbrella sit back and collect the taxes


Active Member
I brought that up during the I-502 debates. Not too far of a stretch for them too enact new rules for "home grows" to make it to a point where nobody can grow... call it paranoia but I see them pushing something to that point in the future.

yea theres also talks of the whole medical industry being put under WSLCB control with the I-502 implementation... but in reality didnt everyone see this coming, no way in hell the state is gonna go into the weed game and let this organized widely unregulated medical industry run competition right next to it.. there gonna put em all under one umbrella sit back and collect the taxes


Well-Known Member
From the research I have been doing, Washington Liquor control board (WLCB) has no interests in the Medical Side. and until someone can site where they are getting this info from it is just propaganda. Think about what the WLCB has got going on they are trying to creat a BRAND new industry from the ground up in less than a year while following the new laws, while all the time NOT knowing if the feds will sweep in after they do all there work and shut it down. Now with regards to taxing the medical side, how many of you pay taxes on medicine at the pharmacy now? YA, ME EITHER. And do you really think the state is going to have medicinal quality medicine being sold at state run stores? From time to time they might, but I am anticipating a substandard quality of medicine (when compared to what I am medicating with today.) The majority of the (non-medical) smokers that will be utilizing the state run store will probably be fine with the lower quality of herb. I mean let's be honest here 90% of these people wouldn't know the diference between so so weed, and top quality medicine. And to the Medical card holders, if you intend on supplying your meds from one of these state run stores, then you will pay to much and have weed---- NOT medicine.

BUT, what the hell do I know I am just a stoner......