New Pic's


hi, ive got some pics to post my girl is now 40+ days into flowering i thought there might be a problem with her but from reading on here as i do when i have a problem it seems perfectly normal for what she is going through, i worried about the fact that the leaves were yellowing and drying, to quick to last out the time what is apparently left, my gear seems to becoming a reality because the yellowing/drying is working it`s way through to the more smaller leaves whixh guts me to bits as i think that i have worked pretty hard to get the best results for my girl with what ive got, even propergated with bike light which if i might add actually worked!!! am i panicking over nothing really because she is only 40+ days into flower and i know i have 20+ more days left and have to be patient but don`t want to see al the hard work go to waste.
did just try n post my pics but the connection just wont let me, bummer or wat!!! ny input would be grately appreciated considering there are no pics.