new nft system ...building


am building an nft/areo system... dirts not working

I will have 3 rows of 6 plants in 8 inch pvc pipe with sprayers on each plant and will be using foxfarms nutes (the 6)

my question i
How big does my reservoir have to be... how many gallons

as soon as i start building i will be posting pictures and all

all home made


thanks westmn i was thinking of going with a 30-40 gallons res but still not sure.... thats a huge thread


Well the thread is huge but his grow is in the first few pages, I'd say he used 5-10 gal in his res, for your set-up 5 gallons would work fine.
In his setup he used 4" PVC instead of 8", if you don't already have the 8" PVC you might want to consider 4" to save some money. Not sure if the roots would gain from the extra space since they seem to get long and float down the tube anyways.

In the end you only need enough water to fill the pipes and cover your pump because it all drains right back in.


WOW GOT INVOLVED IN THAT SITE MAN.... thank you for turning me on to it.. stink has is the master
my design is his basically i am going to use 6inch pvc with 3inch baskets after reading his why do anything else
still going with the 30 gallon res after calculating the nute uptake it should be depleted after the week with 18 plants growing i also plan on vegging for 2 months plants will be spread out 18inches allowing for topping (fim) i want bushy trees out of my sour diesel mommy


Two month veg? You will have monsters.
I hope you get a screen or a bunch of lights.
they will be under 4 400w 2 mh 2 hps
prob veg for 1.5/2 months right now the mothers are 3ft tall and growing/!!
im going to stagger the lights trying to cover the area as equal as possible

do you think that will be enough


4x 400w (hps/mh) should be more then enough for 18 plants in a setup like stink's (something like 3'x5' grow space)


Well-Known Member
I would be careful about vegging that long. The problem is not just about the height you also need to consider the fact that the roots will be massive. I read horror stories about vegging too long in a system like this. Stinkbud runs his on a cycle. 3 weeks for cloning 3 weeks for vegging and 9 weeks for flowering.


I would be careful about vegging that long. The problem is not just about the height you also need to consider the fact that the roots will be massive. I read horror stories about vegging too long in a system like this. Stinkbud runs his on a cycle. 3 weeks for cloning 3 weeks for vegging and 9 weeks for flowering.
i was thinking the same about the roots.. still im growing in a 6inch pvc pipe .. so a bit larger
looking for bigger plants
also my sprayers are side mounted therefore out of the way


i just got my order ... long time waiting of all my ph up ph pens ppm meter and nute
all foxfarm

the idiots after much talking sent me the grow big normal not hydro!!!
can this still be used?
i have the hydro on its way but right now i have 5 gallons of the other!!


first off thank you stinkbud.. built the cloner and away we go.

cloner has olivias cloning solution as per stated on bottle (5 gallon)

after cloning the mom barely looked touched, maybe i need a bigger flower

if i can get 50% rooted this round ill be very happy.

