New might need help?

I just started to grow for myself and got this BGK (bubble gum) and think something might be wrong plus I planted some germinated HK/TW's and I dont think they are growing correctly. Can someone help?


Well-Known Member
You planted the germinated seed with the tap root going down right? when germinating once the bean cracks and you see what looks like the plant starting to come out...that is the tap root.... Not saying that is what happened but i know the first time i germinated i got confused... if anything post some pics if you can and there are some way knowledgable people on here and if they spot something they will definitely let you know...
those are some lanky plants.... how old? also it looks like u started to top the plants or something like that cuz u have some weird angles growing there. u probly shouldnt top or fim ur plants until they are much older id say.... i did mine at around 4-5 weeks old.... your seedlings that are coming up are probly fine sometimes it takes a while for them to drop the shell thats around the grow tip. now this is all from what i can see, and im no expert myself... but seems like your doin ok for urself. absolutely, positively, multiply your lights though man.... i have a very low end setup, but i at least run 20-25000 lumens man and still i could do for some more lights.
fertilizing twice a week? thats toooo much man!what kind of fertz are u using? i use fertz every 2 weeks n mine r looking pretty healthyfirst grow.jpgi would cut fertz to once a week or 2 weeks depends on ur setup HOPE THIS HELPS BRO