new leafs turning purple


Well-Known Member
They are massively stretched and although its hard to tell by the pics they look over watered. I'm nothing but a noob myself though so perhaps someone more knowledgeable will chime in.


Well-Known Member
they are stretched because the kid that germinated them had them under a florescent tube like 8 or 10 inches above i rescued them and they have been doing better however seed plants always have a few inches before leaves develop as compared to clones. I believe they were over watered as well i have only watered them twice since i got them. the soil holds its moisture very well.


Active Member
-Bro, just transplant them and raise the soil level up on the stem. Or you could make a nice little "volcano" around the stem for now to give it some support. I'd ahte to see them topple.


Well-Known Member
they stand up by them selves just fine. the overnight growth was great on the shorter one the taller one is coming along slower.


Well-Known Member
exactly what the title says roots are shooting out the bottoms i have been forced to wait to transfer due to money issues. that will be fixed today. i apologize for bad picture quality

