New Humidity Dome


Well-Known Member
1st clone clonex then straight into soil 0/13
2nd clones clonex then into cups with perlite and h20 2/4
3rd set just went in my dome I just built. Water is in the bottom of container and holes in bottom of cups. Perlite + clonex. Heating pad underneath container... Wrapped it with colored duck tape to keep light off roots. Assume the red lid is fine since it is semi-transluscent and red (using blues anyway)
How much do you think this will help?


Well-Known Member
I think the heating pad created a little too much humidity. Had 3 of the clones literally rot away. COuldn't even pull them from the perlite without them shredding. Think I'll turn down the heat pad and leave the lid ever so slightly cracked. Most of the rest look pretty healthy though so it seems my ratio is going to improve again =) Little by little I'm finding my way