new grower


I've recently discovered the love of growing my own plants. I have only one so far but more seeds on the way.

my current is an unknown strain which i found in a bag i bought, but the original smoke was pretty awesome. I have high hopes for it. I've named it Big Ben after my dad since im growing it in his closet..

The seeds im waiting on are all feminized, a pack of WW, Northern Lights, and Big Bud. The White Widow is what I'm really looking forward to working with.

My setup right now just consists of one plant, one flourescent plant light, a organic soil setup with various fertilizers like guano and a few organic supplements like kelp and some fish products, not bone or blood meal though, all in a closet. Also I'm only using distilled water so I don't affect the pH too much.

I'll be moving soon so i plan on storing the seeds i get until then so ill only have to transplant one plant, and then ill expand to one plant of each seed, keeping my setup small and probably keeping it in a closet or garage.

Right now my new baby is about a week into veg. I germinated with both the cup of water method and the paper towel method and then transplanted to the final medium. He's growing nice and tall, but surprisingly fast because it's thickness isn't keeping up with the height and i keep having to adjust the soil around the base so it won't fall over, but because it already has a few times its growing in a sort or spiral which im trying to fix, but it gives it a sort of character.

The soil already has a bit of nutes in it but i added a bit of guano with its water today and a small amount of a supplement to help with root growth. Its the first time i've added anything and I only plan on doing so every other watering, at least for a few more weeks.

I plan on adding pictures soon also.

I've already done a butt-load of research on growing but any more help along the way would be much appreciated. Thanks!



Well, I haven't started my grow yet, but it sounds like you should get a hold of a a fan. Point it at the plant and that should strengthen up the stems. If its already falling over now you May need to stake it first

Illegal Smile

You plant is stretching up toward the light because it isn't enough light. Add some cfls and get the light down to 2-3 inches from the foliage. That will get it growing horizontally and more bushy. Tie it in the meantime if need be. And don't put a fan right on it, just get some air movement around it so leaves sway gently.


Well-Known Member
You plant is stretching up toward the light because it isn't enough light. Add some cfls and get the light down to 2-3 inches from the foliage. That will get it growing horizontally and more bushy. Tie it in the meantime if need be. And don't put a fan right on it, just get some air movement around it so leaves sway gently.

I second this... make sure that light you have is like 1-3 inches away from the top of your plant, depending on how hot that bulb is which it shouldn't be much...

Other options to help it stand up is maybe put a small layer of soil ontop what you allready have, enough to get it to stand up, just don't bury any of the leaves in the process..

Or, get a straw and cut it down the side, cut it down to the height of the stem, and wrap it around the stem of the plant.. I did this on one of mine b/c a fan was blowing on them too hard when they were a week old..

Fans are good, but as illegal said, don't have it blowing right on them when they're young and fragile... just some air movement inside the closet is good til they get a bit stronger..


I already have a fan in there for ventalation since the closet doesn't have any vents in there. I think it just needs a little time to thicken up. It doesn't even have branches yet..just four little leaves.


Thanks for the advice. The straw idea is genious. I do have my light pretty far from the top so I'll move it down.
I'm also going to add a photo soon so check back.