New Grower


Hi everyone,

This is my first grow ever and I'm giving White Widow a try. I just wanted to post a few pics since I am new to this and want to make for sure that I know the difference between the male and female plant.

The other questions I have is: Is it possible for a hermi to show both sexes in different parts of the plant? I have one plant that clearly shows nice little hairs towards the top and I don't see those at the bottom, they look more like a single ball towards the bottom. Is that a hermi? Or are the hairs just a little late in showing being that they are at the bottom and don't get much light?

1st pic is male and the 2nd two are female correct?

Also the last pic is of the hermi in question...this is how it looks up at the top of the plant but shows more of a small ball toward the bottom.

I was under the assumption that hermi's showed throughout the whole plant...or is it possible to show female at the top and male at the bottom of the plant?

Thanks for all the help!



Well-Known Member
ya ha hermie can have 2 sex parts at dif parts of the plant.

its good to see those pistils isnt it? like seeing your first vagina in months

i think that is how hermies begin typically but im pretty sure it will grow together down the line


ya ha hermie can have 2 sex parts at dif parts of the plant.

its good to see those pistils isnt it? like seeing your first vagina in months

i think that is how hermies begin typically but im pretty sure it will grow together down the line

It is very exciting! So should I wait it out for a bit and see if the rest of the plant turns or get rid of the plant?


Well-Known Member
if you can put it some where you wont have to worry about it pollinating your females then it will pollinate its seld and you will have more WW seeds to work with. you should cut all of the pods off of the hermie as they grow and pollenate it in a few weeks.

if you cant isolate it than i would just kill it, seems kinda a waste though

anyone who knows more about pollinating than me would be a big help to you


if you can put it some where you wont have to worry about it pollinating your females then it will pollinate its seld and you will have more WW seeds to work with. you should cut all of the pods off of the hermie as they grow and pollenate it in a few weeks.

if you cant isolate it than i would just kill it, seems kinda a waste though

anyone who knows more about pollinating than me would be a big help to you
Thanks a lot for all the help.
Thanks a lot for all the help.
I wouldn't throw it away...! If it is a true hermie (you will know in time), just make sure that you keep a close eye on it an keep cutting off the male parts as they grow. You'll at least get some good bud from it this way, and you'll avoid pollination of your other plants.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't throw it away...! If it is a true hermie (you will know in time), just make sure that you keep a close eye on it an keep cutting off the male parts as they grow. You'll at least get some good bud from it this way, and you'll avoid pollination of your other plants.
totally agree mate