New grower (outside) from Missouri, USA looking for advice


Let me get straight to the point, I am here to learn how to grow marijuana outside. A couple of experiences growing it inside but never got any buds, did real amateur job. Taking the time to research and do it RIGHT.

Presently living in Australia, returning to Missouri USA spring 2018. Taking these 2 years to learn how to grow from the experts. First planting scheduled for spring 2018.....

Smoked my first joint in 1974 (10th grade) and have been at it ever since. Looking forward to all growers experiences.....

Will be looking for good seed supplier that sells what it promises, ships to the USA at a decent price. Any input from experienced growers with experience with seed banks is greatly appreciated.

Also looking for recommendations as to which seed strains grow best in Missouri (Mid-West US). Not safe to plant before probably March-April and best to harvest by October-November. Missouri Very hot (highs in 90’s) and VERY humid during summer. Have safe abandoned garden (hidden) in rural area with no/little chance of being seen.

Looking forward to being in this community as my experiences have been that most marijuana (I have called it pot for 40 years) focused people in US are decent human beings who tend to look out for each other.

Thanks in advance for all input…..
