New grower, leaves yellow/brown curl/pics


My plant is a few weeks in flowering and sum of the bottom and middle leaves started curling and turning yellow witha little brown. They are being grown out side,at first i thought it might have been nitrogen so i gave it sum a few weeks ago but no effect. Is the problem magnesium?

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I know the answer but since you werent willing to look around the forum to this answer question that is listed 1000 times, you'll have to look for yourself. There are several places you can look? where it says "MARIJUANA PLANT PROBLEMS"" instead of looking at the 2nd post that says "Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First". you posted a new topic. If you would have went to "newbie central" like you were instructed to when you clicked on the "agree to terms" of the site, you would have seen the"101 ALREADY ASKED QUESTIONS. I am sorry for being short, but litterally you must have not even read anything and just started clicking as fast as you can.

The amount of time its going to take for someone to respond you could have found the answer 100 places. READ, READ & READ MORE..