New Grower-- How am I doing so far?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nice and healthy... dont overfeed thats all i can really say. and dont forget about airflow and other little things and it looks like your off to a good start!


Well-Known Member
I grew this strain last round and it was fairly stretchy with me, I would recommend tying it down and adding a bit more light in there if you can.

you did top a little to high but it's nothing to worry about, look into LST and supercropping unless you have a tonne of height you can use.


You could have topped sooner but its not abig deal, they will still bush out. I have a couple packs of strawberry haze so I'm interested how yours turn out.
Took these today those others were about a week old. Question: My grow room gets pretty heated with my lamp, and there's no way to divert the heat anywhere. Is there like some little cooling unit or something that might help keep the temp and humidity down???



Well-Known Member
the bathroom although convienent, proved a oily beast to tackle. lol.
humidity was always high, i think because of the toilet. i mean it is a open bucket of water just sitting there evaporating all day. then theres the tub itself. i got one of those bathshower combos, not the one with the glass door, but still all that hard plastic seems to just hold heat man. w.o the funding for the proper equipment i put my plants at a buddy of mines house. im sure there be there until harvest but ya. bathrooms a tricky one to taclkle.