New grow room with g13 royal kush & la woman


Well-Known Member
Move the fan back a tad, dont overwater, give them some ferts and imo, they are MUCH to small to be flowering.


Well-Known Member
Different strains need different tending. One can go weeks with out water and another water a lot every week. the soil looks real dry man and whats the temp in there. I really just don"t know about the heater. I recently sold a buddy some clones and his heater malfuntioned and stayed on burned all the plants. And with that heater things are going to be real dry. Your soil can be an issue also. :leaf:

Luxury Tax

i will post a few pictures later, the temp in there is usualy about 85. I recently watered the plants and they began to rise up and not drop so much. I will add some nutrients tonight when i water them and see whats the deal after that.

Luxury Tax

here are the photos of what the plants look like like, they began flowering on 2-25 and this is what has came from that let me know on progress and how they looks



Well-Known Member
Looking much better! Not sure what the yellowing is .... prob lack of something? not really sure. They will make it! Looking good!:leaf:

Luxury Tax

i feel its either nute burn or maybe lack of nutrients. another hypothesis would be the slow release fertilizer in the soil. I hope this is not causing a disturbance as i have been flowering for over a week and still have not seen any signs of buds appearing.


the leaf tip burn looks like over feeding to me. also royal kush takes upto 14 days plus to show signs of flowering they dont like high humidity witch i think was your problem in the earlier pictures with the deformed groth an drooping im not new to growing but im allways learning ive got 2 royal kush flowerng now at 35 days tomorrow!! 1 in soil the other in a bubbler system. both are fine but seem to be taking ages to really swell out.. im using vita link a,b and bloombastic,canna boost exelerator..

Luxury Tax

the plants are starting to look real good, the hairs are starting to come out the top of all of them. I feel the problem was lack of water i dosed them each with a bottle of water and within an hour they all became erect. I will post pictures later in the week to show progress. Any tips to make them better are appreciated