New grow room quick questions


Active Member
Ok so my first grow went pretty good. it was red hair skunk and I yeilded 5.36oz off one plant and 2oz off the freebie that i popped too.anyhow it was done in my closet with a 400w in a crappy reflector and only an ocsilating fan. Anyhow so this time I forked out the cash and got a grow tent and some econowing reflectors, two exhaust fans, and foxfarm line of nutes. The tent is 4x4x6.5 and I have a 400w hps and a 250w halide. will this be enough light? also how many lowryder2 and or dieselryders would fit in a 40.5in x 40.5in grow tray without overcrowding?


Well-Known Member
light should be ok..dont know how many plants to put in ther srry..but i do have a Q: why did u pick the name lokee?? is there any relation to lokie? do u know what he is?


Active Member
yea about 5 years ago I got into odinism and everyone I know says that I'm a reincarnation of loki, lol I don't think so but I do enjoy a good stirring of the pot(no pun) ;-)


Well-Known Member
yea about 5 years ago I got into odinism and everyone I know says that I'm a reincarnation of loki, lol I don't think so but I do enjoy a good stirring of the pot(no pun) ;-)
kool yeah alot of ppl dont know about that kind of stuff..just wanted to see if u knew...he's one of my saints:hump:...