New Grow. Pics. Please Comment on Grow or Give Any Advice on What I Can Do Better


Active Member
Ok il roll with that il watch!
If you can pull it off then im about to learn some uber shit.
And I do not BS if I fall short I will say it bro for sure because if i do fall short i want to know what the heck i did wrong so i fix it so i can increase my yield.


Well-Known Member
Well proof is in the pudding.. I have 72 plants in a 4x8 if you take average at worst 1.5 oz per plant which is low by the way that is over 5 pounds man. But we shall see I take pics of finished product weight and everything so if you do the math on it works out that I am right and besides that strain helps BD produces a lot so for you to doubt that means that you have never yielded more then 1 oz per plant. If so you would not call BS. But stick around because I will not BS results. Wrong or not I take pics before dried and when drying and then final weight on scale so we shall see.
32 square feet with 72 plants is roughly 51/2"squared per plant.
I call bullshit based on yer plant count x square footage claimed alone.
Doesn't jibe with the pics in your"tuck"thread or the pics of your flower area.
Then there's the yield yer claiming per plant grouped so tight which again totally contradicts your"tuck"thread images........and you rant at me about canopy penetration,really dude?


Active Member
32 square feet with 72 plants is roughly 51/2"squared per plant.
I call bullshit based on yer plant count x square footage claimed alone.
Doesn't jibe with the pics in your"tuck"thread or the pics of your flower area.
Then there's the yield yer claiming per plant grouped so tight which again totally contradicts your"tuck"thread images........and you rant at me about canopy penetration,really dude?
I was going to comment on that but after looking at your journal pics Wont even bother with it... But I will say this.. For someone who is saying they pulled 4-6 ounces off a plant that is 16 inches high and has buds a little bigger then a lighter.............. You must know all about bullshitting. :)


Active Member
Can both of you guys grow the fuck up im here for the info I pay for ufc fights for entertainment thanks


Active Member
Can both of you guys grow the fuck up im here for the info I pay for ufc fights for entertainment thanks

Sorry I missed where I asked for your opinion. Oh wait I didn't and if you do not like it just do not read this thread goofy.


Active Member
Hey my420 you can eat a dick what are you12 just sayin shut the fuck up and get on with some helpful info that's what were all here for


Active Member
Hey my420 you can eat a dick what are you12 just sayin shut the fuck up and get on with some helpful info that's what were all here for
Hint #1 Don't come on to someones thread just to talk crap because this happened to you.

he had went into the spare bedroom which i was using the closet as my grow room and destroyed everything. The most fucked up part about it is all the money in equipment I am gonna loose and this mf er dumped my 5 gallon bucket dirt and plant into my living room all over the carpet which is light tan and stomped on it by the way today was watering day so yea im sure you can imagine, my light was all smashed up hood blub all of it, fans ventilation system, whole deal. My crop blue dream x purple erkle which was starting it 7 week flowering on monday. The house smelled amazing. And the look on my face had to have be breathtaking to say the less and waiting for the police to pull up any minute so with a frantic clean up and moving what could be saved at early harvest I endend up with a little over 2 ozs wet. I still have not talked to the roomate he's been at work which is great cause I had time to get everything out of the house,but im really not sure how im gonna handle things when he gets here cause he broke all my shit and ruined my living room he texted the wife and said we had to be out tomorrow at noon yea ok im gonna need a 30 day notice. I really just wanna beat the shit out of this cannabis killer you know. And really wanna know why the fuck he was in my house anyways. I can't even express the way I feel rite now out of all the years I been growing I have never ran into something like this before..

Hint #2 Do not be a dick because you have ""YEARS OF GROWING EXPERIECE"" but have plants that look like yours do in your journal.

Hint #3 DO not be afraid to admit you like to suck dick. Your daddy was not afraid to admit you swallow.

Your just another angry immature goof who needs to stop being a dick and if you want advice why don't you try another thread that doesn't say, New Grow. Pics. Please comment on grow or give any advice on what I Can do better and talk shit telling me to get on with some helpful info... LMFAO... I know your not that retarded but your trying awfully hard to be. Do not hate bitch.... participate.... Oh wait you can't your shit got smashed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NICE ROOKIE MOVE!!!!

I can see why you came on my thread talking crap.... Not my fault your stupid with your grows resulting in getting everything trashed. Well maybe one day you will learn but probably not.


Active Member
They are just starting to flow .........

and the first 3 under halide looking light are of the smaller nugs forming not tops. last pic is top.

And these being blue dream they usually will not start to really push it out for another week and a half.



Well-Known Member
I see I asked why,sheesh dude if ya can't handle a question about yer thread why make one asking people to ask questions?
Don't you know my420's posts are beyond reproach! But to stay on topic....I really like the camera angles on your new grow.


Well-Known Member
Thats a nice batch of leaves your brewing. I hope my buds can be that size...

Any tips?!? Got any tips Man?!?
