new elite strains, PRE ORDER!!!!


Well-Known Member
Trapper I'm 4-5 weeks into veg, I've got 4 double topped Super Strawberry Diesel in pro mix. As soon as they put out some interesting flowers I'll start a thread for people to post pics of Elite strains, it'll be nice for us all to check them out. There has been a lot of talk on the forum about Elite strains and it's time for forum members to replace praise with pics. Smoke Reports to follow.


Elite I've been going through your forums and I'm still finding it difficult to piece together accurate effect characteristics for most of your strains. I find it near impossible to pick between your strains because I'm looking for specific effects - even though each strain may be fantastic and potent it might not have the other characteristics I'm looking for. I feel like I'm throwing a dart at your strain menu.

I'll wager that you will increase your sales by at least 25% if you include detailed effect characteristics for each strain. Terms of the wager: don't increase 25% - I buy a pack of seeds; increase => 25% - I get a free pack of seeds.

When you're ready to sit down for some serious gambling give me a call Elite the Greek.




Well-Known Member
see trapper, i may not have grown elite, but that that doesnt mean i dont plan to and it doesnt mean i havent read every grow on his forums and learned a shit ton about his strains. I have grown GHS and i tell you what i ended up with was nothing compared to what i have seen and heard numerous times about elites strains. fuck off my thread and go have sex with Arjan.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO you guys are the ISH, anyway Hobbes I think you most definately need to do the thread on ELITE. Ive been wanting to see and learn some more about these strains Ill have to say rite now Im with ELITE AND I HAVENT GROWN THEM, then again Im not looking for such specific effects like hobbes either so...................


Well-Known Member
"LMFAO you guys are the ISH,"

What does "ISH" mean? It's good, right? Tell me it's good, even if it's a lie. I can't take the ridicule. (sobbing)

"Hobbes I think you most definately need to do the thread on ELITE."

100%. As soon as the SSD are putting flowers out I'll post pics each week to show the progress, then do a detailed smoke report. I always hate the threads where people post pics of germenating and seedlings, it's like stories about a person's kids - they're only interesting to the parents, not the parents friends.

"Ill have to say rite now Im with ELITE AND I HAVENT GROWN THEM"

Good reports, friendly helpfull breeder, good prices ... I don't know a lot of seedbanks well but right now Elite and Subcool are at the top of my list because of the positive reports on the smoke and how decent these folks have been.




Well-Known Member
Lol yeah its good bro I think its funny as hell but very educational so yeah. Absolutely I agree with you up top I started to look at Subcools beans and I have to say Im definately interested in getting a few diff strains from him also, any suggestions. SSD what strain is that 1!!


Well-Known Member
"yeah its good bro"

(heart slows to regular pace)


"I started to look at Subcools beans ... any suggestions"

My three: Jack The Ripper is his flagship - incredibly potent and up. Jillybean is a happy relaxed strain that everyone raves about. I'm also getting Pandora's Box because of it's hysterical silly effects.

Agent Orange sounds amazing, Querkle if you want a purple strain with pronounced grape taste ... so many great strains.

People have mentioned that his strains all have a unique taste, mostly fruity and pronounced unlike a Blueberry that may have no BB taste at all. The thing I love most about Subcool's pages are his effect descriptions - as a medical breeder he gives patients the info they need to pick a strain.

Let us know what you pick!




Well-Known Member
Sheesh I can tell you rite now you got it all dialed in with the Jillybean and that Pandoras box I love those effects.


Well-Known Member
I love sites that go into detal about how hard it hits you and effects and if its a body buz or a stone or a head rush or heart attack lol. It makes me more eager to grow it and get fucked up.

Elite Genetics

Well-Known Member
totally understand & im sure these people will have something special to show down the road..your right though alot of people say they are gonna do this or do that, & they never came through, got to busy or whatever excuse they want to use..:hump:
im calling cyproz out,he calls other strains shit but praises yours all over these boards i want him to show me the goods,does that sound reasonable to you man.Or should i just sit =back and listen to his bullshit if hes never grown your plants.So your experince grower is not the reply i wanted,i wanted it from the same names of people who call other peoples crap but your god,yet they only saw your sales brochure and never grew it.And to me i dont get into the name game of strains,all the diesals og and chem,my world is bigger then that and my mind can handle a good hybrid a nice sativa or a hashplant.the rest is promotianal hype geared for people in the name collection many things get hermied in a room no gaurentee what is what over time,but the stories are legendary doesnt make it fact.billy the kid grew every year.but ive been on the tundra with out communication for months of every year growing up,so im not much on the latest crazes if you know what i mean.but when people start actually showing your stuff instead of all the people wanting,starting,going to,cant wait,need the cash people,then we can see why every other post is about you in these forums,thats cool right.or is that out of line for a consumer,your call parch.

Elite Genetics

Well-Known Member
the clones i have 90% arent available at any club anywhere..& the 10% that are are usually $20 each & sold out to the 1st guy that gets at them 1st..if you can get the clones for $10 then by all means grab them..thats just like saying why do people pay $400-$700 a oz for killer meds when they can grow that oz for alot less..& do it over & over

How could you sell 4 seeds for $75.00 when these clones are available for $10.00 a pop? :roll:


Well-Known Member
thanks hobbes a very mature and reasonable reply,and elite you are correct that it will be good when words become action,and actual pics from rollitup members are as popular as heresay of your strains.cyproz piss off and come back when your old enough to look at weed with out drooling.


Well-Known Member
ill always look at weed a drool because i like it that much and im sure my entire life it will never cease to amaze me with new strains and highs. and u sir can piss off because this thread wasnt for people who dont like elitegenetics like you. and actually i have grown quite a bit just never on this site, i used to be heavy on grasscity but that place is a joke now ty.

Elite Genetics

Well-Known Member
but there is no heresay..i have grown out many hundreds of strains from every top breeder around the globe & people are excited because the new strains are killin it..weve been selling seeds on the net since 1996..sold on cbay/heavens stairway/overgrow til 2006 when it went not new to the game,have worked long & hard constantly growing tons of crops a year

thanks hobbes a very mature and reasonable reply,and elite you are correct that it will be good when words become action,and actual pics from rollitup members are as popular as heresay of your strains.cyproz piss off and come back when your old enough to look at weed with out drooling.


Well-Known Member
but there is no heresay..i have grown out many hundreds of strains from every top breeder around the globe & people are excited because the new strains are killin it..weve been selling seeds on the net since 1996..sold on cbay/heavens stairway/overgrow til 2006 when it went not new to the game,have worked long & hard constantly growing tons of crops a year
i said rollitup i mentioned,every place is an elite advert on this forum,i have mentioned no one has grown out your strain and cloned it,i never mentioned other sites or other world breeders,i dont know what those sites are you mentioned.but i get seeing red when people call down other breeders,praise yours yet have never grown them.maybe its the bush wacker in me that i dont get all hyped about hype,i dont count furs that are not skinned untill their off the stretching board and sold at auction.I understand the advertisement your getting means money in the pocket,i get that,i just have not seen one grow from one member here to warrant all the hype,like we say,fuck, fight or hold the not going to say all dutch breeds are old,and all cali is hot,i may get bushed,but ive been around.


Well-Known Member
the clones i have 90% arent available at any club anywhere..& the 10% that are are usually $20 each & sold out to the 1st guy that gets at them 1st..if you can get the clones for $10 then by all means grab them..thats just like saying why do people pay $400-$700 a oz for killer meds when they can grow that oz for alot less..& do it over & over
most peoples clones are not available at clubs not just yours,mine are not either.actually 100%of my clones are not available at clubs.and were does some one pay 700 an oz, i never even payed that at chesterfield inlet in the north west terrotories.