New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!


This is my first grow and I'm growing a Snow White plant in bubbleponics. The plant is about 30 days old now and was beautiful until a couple of days ago. The new leaves coming in now are yellow with green veins, and the older leaves are now showing black spots on them. The black spots start on the outer edges of the leaves and are working in-wards.

My PH is 5.8 and has been very stable.
I am feeding them Flora-Grow and Flora-bloom, only about 400 PPM.
I am using CFLs.

I thought maybe something was wrong with the water, so I flushed it and brought the PH back to 5.8 and brought the PPM down to about 330

Do I have a deficiency and need more nutes or have I over fed it? I'm leaning to deficiency of some type because I have been very slow to feed my plant for fear of nute burns.

I have a pic of the new leaves and the lower leaves with the black spots, but the pics are not very good. My camera is junk!

Thanks in advance for someone's quick expertise.



I'm using a PPM meter and I also double checked with a manual PH tester, so I know the PH is good. I have not used any micro nutes.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
When is the last time u calibrated your ph meter? Whats it read when you test your reference soluition? I really want you to be sure on the ph cause it looks like a ph micro nute lock out, and that is fairly rare.


When is the last time u calibrated your ph meter? Whats it read when you test your reference soluition? I really want you to be sure on the ph cause it looks like a ph micro nute lock out, and that is fairly rare.
I calibrated it today to make sure it wasn't off or anything. I also used a ph kit as a back up..... just to be sure my meter was working and PH checks out just fine.


In reading through the nutrients chart, it says yellowing of new leaves is due to a lack of sulpher and to add epsom salt, but I think it's talking about potted plants and not bubbleponics, so I'm not sure if I should try the epsom salt cure or not. I'm hoping someone with more experience can point me in the right direction please.


OK, added some micro nutes and while the plant doesn't look much different, it has not gotten any worse. I also had another thought, so I wanted to throw this out as a possibility for my issue. We had a cold snap here and it's been much colder and my water was only room temperature. Normally the average temp is about 72F in my room, but has been only around 70F in the day time lately and occasionally getting as low as 65F during the night, so my water was probably getting much colder. Could this be an issue?

I actually added a water heater and set the temps at about 74F, so that should stabilize the water temps. Could this have contributed to any nute lock out or any of the issues I'm now having? After adding some mirco and bringing the water temp up, it does look like the plant is stabilizing, as the problem is not getting any worse. It just doesn't look like it's getting any better yet either, although it's only been one day since I added the heater and micro solution.

Please share any thoughts about the water temp if you have any experience with bubbleponics. Is this anything I should be concerned about and did I do the right thing by adding the heater?



Well-Known Member
Definitely deficiency caused by lack of micro nutrients. Be careful with that water heater. DWC is prone to pathogens in the reservoir, heating up the solution to 74 degrees makes it a little easier for them to breed.


What temp do you recommend? Is room temp with temps down to 65 OK?

I've read one place that 68 is good, but in another, based on some hydro scientist, that 74 is ideal. So much out there that I don't know which way to go really???

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
65 - 68 is perfect for your rez temps, 74 way too warm. Come summer I am going to have to buid or buy a water chiller or switch to soil during the summer months.


Thanks for all the help. I'm hoping the micro nutrients did the trick. I'll update this post later with the results or looking for more help if there are still issues.

So far, it has been almost 24 hours, and while the plants don't look much better yet, they have not gotten any worse, so I'm really hoping the micro nutrients did the trick.


Ok, it must have been the micro nutrients, as the yellow is fading on the leaves that came in that way and the new leaves that are starting to show are all a nice dark green again. I appreciate the help, as I had convinced myself that adding more nutrients was bad. From what I have been reading, most people do more damage with too many nutes rather than a lack of nutes. I was just being too stingy I guess. Thanks for the tips!

I turned my heater down to 68 as well, so now I know it's not too warm, but I also know the roots won't get too cold if the temp does drop lower than that going forward. It's truly amazing as to how fast the root systems grow in the bubble set ups. My roots grew at least 6 to 8 inches in the last day.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
It helps break down dead plant material etc into stuff the plant can uptake.

LOL there is some science behind it, enzymes added to the environment.