new and confused...nute burn? or mg def?...something else?

First off I know they don't look like pot....they are cherry tomatoes.
Before u leave....u have the most experience with hydro....please help
3 weeks old from seeds
-rapid rioters
-4x4 rockwool
-hydroton in trays
Flora nova at 400ppm
Ph 6.00 (drifting to 7.00)
Good vent with temp at 68-74 day
Rh 45-55%
Thanks in advance for any advice
The leaves have been turning up toward the light (closing up almost) toward the end of the light cycle each day. I have just fed them once a day for 3 days since putting them in the hydroton.


Active Member
thinkin under watered and myabe even hungry. not familiar with veggies, but those leaves look dry and hungry. good luck


Well-Known Member
I read Tomato grows just like cannabis as it goes for Ph levels and nutes. The optimum PH range is from 5.5 to 6.2 tops but I guess iit could be more forgiving than cannabis, it's most likely Mn or some other micro. Nevertheless you could try this approach to see if works. I'll read more about it as I'm interested in growing tomatoes as well.
I'll keep adjusting the ph. My cubes don't seem to be drying out hardly, common sense would say to not feed/water until its less saturated is this correct?
i thought magnesium deficiency as well. The high tds in the tap water i am using and the low ph i used to soak the 4x4s locked out mg. I added a 1/4tsp per gal of epson salt to solution and raised ph to try and combat it. the plants are looking better today ill upload some pics. Masp84, if u do grow tomatoes i would recomend not using the 4x4 cubes they have been problematic (roots are too fragile I think). The cubes worked great for the snap peas which are robust and very heavy rooting plants.